When you write him a Letter

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Your Pov

As I sat down comfortably on my seat, with Sass hovering nearby, I tend to think of words I could sputter out to Luka in this little letter I'm to write to him. I opened up my laptop and started typing.

"Dear Luka.. Dear Luka.." I mumbled as I type the words, stopping momentarily in my tracks as I thought about what to say now.
"Hmm... Dear Luka. Uhh hi?" Sighing, I bit my bottom lip as I look around for anything that can help me with this letter I'm writing.

"Uhh." I sputtered, deleting the whole thing completely as I almost gave up on hope. Writing cheesy long letters are not exactly my thing, but it's almost half a week now and I miss him dearly. And I guess I just wanted him to know that.

The longing that comes from missing someone can range from minor feelings of sadness to downright agony depending on the relationship and the amount of time you've been apart. Naturally, missing your partner is a totally normal reaction to being separated from them. Whether you're apart for weeks, or if distance is a constant fixture in your relationship - we can all agree that pining after someone who isn't physically with you really sucks. So it's not surprising that the chemical reactions and what happens when you miss your partner can explain many of the feelings that may come up. And right now I'm wailing in agony waiting for him to come back to Paris.

Sass got down and sat on my desk near my Laptop, with fresh boiled egg in his little hands as he eats it eagerly with this little hint of anticipation in his eyes.
"Thought of something good yet?" He asked, his mouth filled with food. I shook my head a no to him.

I'm very lucky that Ladybug was kind enough to let me borrow Sass for the meantime, knowing that fact that I'm probably alone most of the time missing Luka so she offered me to keep Sass as a company for now. I could just give it to Luka once he gets back.

Just like Luka, Sass was also charming in his own ways, pretty understanding and he listens to every word I say as if it really matters to him. He always has a definitive answer to all my questions, and he's a great company might I add.

"You should just go with the flow. Let your heart type what it wants to say." Sass advices, munching out his last piece of boiled white egg, giving our a little burp in the process making me constantly giggle to his adorableness. I so want to keep him forever.
"I can't find the words. I need to finish this tonight might I add." I replied, my hands back to fiddling the keys on my laptop.

Sass comes up to me hand and gently patted it for comfort. "I'm sure he's gonna be ecstatic with your letter. Just follow your heart." I looked at him as he gave me one of his toothy grins, his sharp teeth popping out. I got my hand up to caress his chubby cheeks and he nuzzled closer to my hand.

"Okay then. Time to write a cheesy note for de babes." I exclaimed and then got back to my writing.

"Dear Luka..." I started.

"How you doin? Hopefully everything is going smoothly there. It's been so boring these past few days, I guess. In a way it's just naturally boring without you. I had alot of adventures myself, but they're nothing compared to when I'm with you. Better get your butt safely home or so help me I'm gonna yeet you all the way to China."

"Anyways I hope your doing well there, don't pressure yourself with alot of things. Your mostly calm and collected but I could see the frustration in your eyes. When you left to go to Rennes, I could see you were a little bit tense about everything, that's why I was a bit worried when you left. Kitty Sections a huge hit, you don't have to worry so much."

I heaved out a sigh, a genuine smile up my face.

"All in all I just wanted to say I love you, and I hope all goes well. And you better play Ultimate Mecha Strike III with me when you get back, and treat me to some ice cream."

"Sincerely me."

I looked at my screen with a proud glint in my eyes as I re read the note id send him, Sass peering up my screen to examine it. His eyes held confusion and understanding, I guess he's weirded by my way of words. Hey it's already 2020 for Pete's sake.
"Is it good?" I asked him.

"Its peculiar, but nice." Sass replied. And with agreement, I sent him the letter with a nonchalant smile on my face.


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