Caregiver | Part 34

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Oh well... turns out it was just a damn dream. Looks like the chamomile tea gave you such strong effect that you fell into your dreamland the moment you jumped onto the bed last night.

You opened your eyes, confused with your surroundings for a moment. You slowly got up and just sat there pensively. You looked around, and everything seemed pretty much the same.

You did dream about Taehyung and you tried to remember every single details of your dream, but the only part you remembered was when he stood by the door and then both of you chatted a little. You couldn't recall back what the conversation is all about.

But what made you emotionally overwhelmed even more was that he looked like a whole new different person in that dream. None of his body parts were casted, and his limb worked perfectly fine. He was completely healed.

Too bad that it was just a dream. You sighed, took a look at the time and got ready with no time to waste.

You tied your hair up into a bun and now you're ready for your daily duty. You left the mansion and headed to the small house, feeling nothing but confusion mixed up with that same odd feeling again. You took a deep breath again and deeply exhale before you open the door.

As you walked in, you went straight to the kitchen and surprised to see someone whom you haven't seen in a while.


The guy immediately turned around hearing your voice and put up a smile on his face. "Good morning, Suyin." He greeted.

You returned the smile with yours, and walked up to him. "Good morning too. You're lucky that I can still recognize your broad shoulders. I thought you're a stranger that I almost hit you with a frying pan."

He threw his head back as he laughed out loud. The sound of his laughter was really contagious that it also made you laugh. "Hey, hey... enough laughing. You might burn those yummy pancakes." You smacked his arm a little.

"That's not very nice of you, Suyin." His laugh was no longer to be heard, only left a childish grin on his face. "I mean, really? Is that how you treat a stranger? Randomly hitting him with a pan?"

You laughed again, not just because of his statement, but the silly look on his face when he made that dissatisfaction expression.

"Well, ever heard of an act of reflex?" You smiled broadly.

He frowned. "That's not how it works, silly."

Apparently your laugh was loud enough that Taehyung came to the kitchen, watching you having a good time laughing your heart out.


You abruptly stopping your laugh, and finally noticed Taehyung as you turned around.  "Oh, h-hey..." You scratched the back of your neck, and suddenly you don't know how to react.

"What's with the early morning laugh, huh? I was in the patio and your loud laugh had scared the birds away."

You gulped, looking at Jungkook and signaled him with your eyes as you asked for help. You clenched your teeth when he just simply shrugged at you and walked away with the pancakes, leaving you alone to confront with Taehyung.

"I... I didn't mean to..." you nervously cracked your knuckles, and then just stood there with your head down. "I'm sorry."

You jerked your head, putting up an innocent face and hoping that he would forgive you. "Should I make you your favourite food for you to forgive me?" You asked with a pouty lips.

He rolled his eyes, and turning around. "Just come and have a breakfast with us."

And just like that he left you alone in the kitchen just like Jungkook did to you just now, had you smiled in amusement and then followed him from behind.

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