5) Project and Damn Partner...

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Ashford, UK.

Melissa's PoV:

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Melissa's PoV:

"You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it;
if I could do it, all again I know I'd go back to you"

- Selena Gomez's 'Back to you'

Remembering the song lyrics, I thought how much they relate to my present condition. No, if I was to be trailed for having feeling for him, I'd strenuously disagree to that. I had but not in that way. I was always a repellent to relationship talks. What I had for Austin was more like a feeling that a low random fan would've for his celebrity. It was like he was living in a better world that I could only imagine. I convinced myself that I was falling for his status and way of life and not for him. I felt ashamed about it. But it felt more appropriate to me than confessing that I had feelings for him.

Actually, who wouldn't be tempted to see someone living your dream?

After the party vibrations settled, I thought we would never cross lines once again. But, what I failed to know was that my destiny had other plans for me.

"Shitty hell, Maria," I cursed my ex-project partner on my way to the canteen with my usual people. Maria got into some mishap that she wouldn't be able to make it to school till the finals. We got our year ending project for biology to be done but worse was that we were supposed to submit the blueprint of our project by New Year. There was just a week left for the Christmas holidays.

As I proposed to do my project on my own, someone volunteered to join me. I knew there was a trio in our class as we were odd-numbered before Maria met with a misfortune. But what I didn't know was, that trio having a nuisance with it. Mr Austin Blake told our professor that he would like to detach from his trio and join me.

For sure, I smelled a conspiracy. Was he going to have revenge with our project? I was gobsmacked as he smiled evilly at me. His statement to Professor Barner, our bio teacher was very convincing that he had no debates before accepting Austin's stand.

"If that's okay with you, Ms Crumpton," Professor Barner asked for my consent to which I replied, "I've no problem, professor." I knew it was a downright lie. As soon as I let those words out, Josh gave a silent wince. Josh was paired with Carol, the most nerdiest girl in the whole wide world. Yes, she was the superlative of all nerds. Josh often hard no work as Carol did most of their projects. I had been in good terms with Carol previously. To be precise, Carol was my alter ego until Year 9. We were inseparable those days. But with no particular reason, we drifted apart. Josh was good with both of us.

I eyed Josh as if asking what his problem was. He nodded disapprovingly. I shrugged at him. But later, the idea of working with Austin got on my nerves. This being the case, I started damning that poor Maria. My folks kept quiet throughout our journey to lunch and back. Finally, Josh gave up being silent, "For Heaven's sake Liss, will you stop driving us all crazy? If you're that not okay with the partnership why wouldn't you tell that out there?"

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