29) Mr Perfect loves a Maniac 7

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Paris, France

PresentParis, France

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Author's PoV:

Melissa wipes her mouth pushing the empty dish away and resorts to the milkshake. As she slurps the drink, she observes Kevin being indulged in some serious contemplation. Melissa waits for him to reinstate to reality. When Kevin looks up at Melissa, he feels sheepish at the realization that she's looking up at him. He lets out his embarrassment with a question. "What's his name? The one to whom you gave a chocolate bar when you were young?"

"I don't remember exactly. Austin had told me this son of Mrs K was a great boy; hardworking, dedicated and he loves everyone around him. Also that Austin missed him a lot. But, I never got a chance to know him by myself," says Melissa and continues with her shake.

Kevin looks out into the cold evening thinking again. "Kevin?" calls Melissa. She is disturbed by the strange over-silent phase of Kevin's.

He turns towards her with a question, "Tell me about this third stone."

Melissa looks confused. Kevin has something in his mind which Melissa cannot comprehend. She shakes her head and starts, "Well, when a Philosopher's stone disintegrates to give three stones, the centre part of the stone is the third stone. When you think you're done with the powers of the stone, you can end it with this stone. Just like when you wake the stone, you'll have to connect your mind to the stone completely," Melissa demonstrates with her hands over the empty dish as if it's the third stone. "Then, there happens the unexplainable scientific wonder. The stone grows whole observing your energy completely. It's like you're transpiring your energy to it and you'll get drained out. The worst thing is that the double soul disintegrates in the process. As I told earlier, Homoculi are clones made of Philosopher's stone- the double-stone to be precise. Hence, they disintegrate when the stone neonate freshly into a different stone."

Kevin observes keenly imagining the way it might've happened with someone he knows. He shudders at the thought. Melissa continues, "It will then be a normal Philosopher's stone until it chooses its next set of souls. To some extent, the old Master-soul can influence the stone in choosing its new Master-soul."

Kevin stirs his drink creating a whirlpool without being aware of it. He closes his eyes and turns away once again.

"I know it sounds like crap. I wouldn't have believed them if I hadn't gone through them at all. I remember how fragile Matt was, a few days before his life ended. He must be mentally weak too to take such a decision," Melissa says in a slim voice.

"I'm sorry, Liz," he says worriedly. "But you know I believe you. I believe every single word you say. Because I know they're genuine and true." His assuring words are surprising to Melissa.

Her initial thought was that Kevin would think she's crazy and leave her. But he's telling her that she didn't know who Kevin really was. He's telling her that he will believe her no matter how ludicrous her stories sound. Melissa gives a feeble smile as a piece of appreciation.

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