27) AUSpicious Day

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Screaming Woods, UK.

PastScreaming Woods, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

"Thank God, you're promptly ahead of time," I told Josh as he came back from his home on the day of Austin's birthday.

It was hellish when Josh had to leave the Woods. But it was soon a boon as I made him my personal delivery boy. He had to buy me bits and pieces from outside.

Josh had a unique way of impressing people. Even the great Sorcerer Mage, Mr Robert Blake couldn't stop falling to the charms of Josh. With Mr Blake's affinity towards him, Josh managed to purchase a special pass that would let him in anytime. Of course, he had to swear to the secrecies of this secret cult and have to keep it from every single soul. He was also given death threats as a warning cord before he left.

"Here's the flowers," said Josh forwarding me the bunch of Dahlias. I groaned a little. But I knew it was autumn and that Daffodils are flowers of spring. "Does it matter?" asked Josh concerned.

I looked at the most beautiful thing on this planet. Well, flowers are always flowers whatever family they belong to. I nodded with a smile and asked, "How's Carol?"

"Hale and healthy. And a bit naggy," he said to which I smirked. "It wasn't an easy-peasy job to spin stories to your girlfriend. She was freaking out. She hadn't heard from me for a week and I... I had explanations that worth just a day or two. Besides, there were our parents. How much pressure my little brain had to come up against!" he shook his head in an attempt to tell me how tiring it was for him. "Thanks to every single story I had learnt so far."

He exclaimed as if he were planning to ambush his enemy country in the World War. I couldn't stop myself from jumping into a bout of laughter at his expressions. "It was just a matter of a few false statements, Mr Harrison."

He gave a grim look as we walked into the old bivouac. I pressed into the land my palm, said 'Mage Melissa' and stepped aside. The land rose high and revealed the lift in a matter of seconds.

"You are done with that?" asked Josh astounded.

I nodded, "As soon as you're out, that day, I had to undergo a lot. I had to register my palm prints and voice everywhere. I had to meet Homoculi in their chamber and prove I wasn't that much a coward. I did that somehow. Then, I had to take a number of oaths. Josh, I mean a number of oaths. They seem so sceptic, don't you think?" I finished as we got into the lift.

He shrugged as he said, "Probably."

I told where we wanted to go and once the lift was ready to take us there, I turned to Josh and accused, "Look at the mark they gave me."

I told him in a much-sulked tone as I showed him my right inner wrist.

"Oh... How pathetic," he said in a false worry that turned into a big laughter. I punched him in his shoulders hard. He just laughed even harder.

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