31) It's Mr Conner!

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Dering Woods, UK.

PastDering Woods, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

Though we were three kilometres under the surface, I felt the coldness. Everyone avail themselves of the situation and enrolled themselves in the inconspicuous competition of being muted for long. Only Mr Jaden's mourning was disturbing but otherwise, it was still. We waited worried, for none of us knew how to treat Mr Jaden out of his sudden indisposition. Or at least that was how I comprehended the situation then.

As Bharathi walked in, everyone's sole attention turned towards her; towards the words, she was about to utter. She traipsed to Mr Blake who was sitting lifeless in a stony bench and said, "You're right. The stone's missing. Just that one."

It was like a paralyzing epidemic. No one flitted at least a fingerbreadth. Everyone was petrified to their position. "This couldn't be happening. This shouldn't be happening," was all the murmur that passed around.

If it was all nothing but mere grudge, why should anyone take it up against a good man like Mr Jaden? I looked up at Mr Jaden who was lying, suffering from searing pain on a rocky bed where I had been laid when I passed out. My eyes brimmed at once and I couldn't keep them behind. All he did was moan helplessly.

Mr Blake hitched up finally and faced the people. "If this is how it is to be ending," he trailed his eyes all over and declared, "We can't do anything to stop it."

I didn't understand what he meant. "What does that even mean?" a man of late thirties from the gathering, reflected my mind.

Mr Blake looked at him for a few seconds without speaking. Those few seconds were so pregnant with pain. He looked away at others as he said, "Thank you, everyone, for your valuable presence today. Now, I declare a call off of this meeting. I wish you all to leave the forest before anything."

"How could we leave when..." a woman started but got mannerlessly interrupted by the man of manners.

"I know," Mr Blake's loud voice shut not just that woman but everyone around. He said, "I know, none of you should be pinned to what that is happening. This is totally a different issue. An issue that can't be solved with just a huge population."

"But..." another man tried to start but was cut before he could say a second word with Mr Blake's shattered words, "Please... Leave..."

That sealed everyone's lips. No one dares to speak anymore. Mr Blake said feebly to Mr Anand, "I don't want us all dead. Please ask them to leave immediately."

Those words scared the bejesus out of me. I was shaken to the hilt. People though hesitated to a greater extent, started exiting. They left one after the other unwillingly. That was how a Sorcerer Mage's words were been revered then. But I'd known I should disrespect those words as I should stay back for Austin.

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