28) Vampire Tantrum

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Dering Woods, UK

PastDering Woods, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

No matter how many days I'd lived there, it was still terrifying to walk alone in the forest with no light to chase away my delusions.

Everyone else was still asleep when I walked through the rough path. I had an appointment with a physics professor, Dr Liam Simmons. He had called me just minutes ago to let me know that he was waiting in front of the parking lot of Dering Woods.

I almost ran until I spotted the black Nissan in distance. As I got near, he stepped out and took me in a brotherly hug. Following that, we got into his car and sped away with no destination except to muddle a little with our pasts.

He asked, "What's that you want to know Liss?"

"I thought your PhD had improved your brain. But I see them impairing your memory. I told you already, I wanted to know everything about Matt. From the way you both got here to the reason for his stupid decision."

Liam looked ahead into the dark road and scrammed in thoughts for a few minutes. That was no new to me as I got used to it lately. Everyone holds secrets and everyone finds it difficult to divulge it to me.

I looked out through the window ticking mentally the seconds that passed before he answered. "How much do you know?"

Technically it wasn't an answer. But it was the only answer he gave me. I said, "Nothing. I know nothing about him. All these years I've thought it was because of his breakup. But it turns out to be a sick false. Julie had overheard Matt speaking to someone furiously before... before the tragedy but she never took that any serious. I got into the centre of nowhere and heard my brother belongs here too. Some foreign girl claims that she was his girlfriend but refuses to speak anymore. On the other hand, an old man called my brother immoral and told that he was banished. But I, his own sister knows nothing, literally nothing about my brother," I verbalized all the coercing emotions at a breakneck speed.

"Oh Liss, I understand. It's hard, you know, we can't tell this to anyone. But still, it was nearly impossible to forbid Julie from knowing a bit," he said which gave me a jolt. He continued, "Julie, smelled something wrong about Matt very soon. Though, she didn't know what exactly was going on."

I let out the breath I was holding back and slacked off into the seat. Why should everything and everyone be false around me?

"Your brother and I weren't good buddies. Not during school days," started Liam solely. "We both chose the same major in college, Physics. Once in the second semester, we both were asked to visit one of our professors who lived in Pluckley then. That was the first-ever drive we had together. You don't have to ponder over who that professor was. He's Mr Anand." He paused letting the words sink in me totally.

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