23) Reunion

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Dering Woods, UK.

PastDering Woods, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

Secrets behold critical responses if disclosed at critical moments of time.

Austin's secret could've been celebrated if revealed lately in a perfect and much comfortable situation. But it was divulged in the worst of times when he was stamped as a traitor.

Though the Sorcerer Mage was completely satisfied with the few words that Austin had uttered, other members there weren't ready to take that hammy stagecraft anymore. They thought this might be a part of Austin's drama. They needed answers; they needed clearances which neither of the newly united father and son wanted to give.

"Que se passé-t-il ici?" a man in the folk demanded to no one in particular. With my half-backed French knowledge, I could understand him. But to answer him, I wasn't ready. His question suspended in the air without any answer as no one knew what on this earth was happening. At the same time, a boy walked in wonder to the front, away from the crowd.


Josh had been unconscious throughout the main plot. Now, being awakened in the climax, the whole lot appeared unfathomable to him. He walked towards the boy who was considered to be dead months ago.

The alien world Josh was brought to, the foreign people and everything could turn his mind definitely. He was baffled. Before getting cleared about anything he thought of making himself sure that he was alive and in good sane. He asked, "Am I dead, Austin?"

Only now Austin saw Josh in the front with wide eyes that had millions of questions to be answered. He smiled at him saying, "Nope. You are alive, Josh. Alive in the exact sense of being alive."

"Good Heavens," Josh exhaled.

Austin smirked a little and came near Josh to hug him and make sure of his life. "Save your questions for later this night. Now, there are others' to be answered." He said politely and turned towards his latest father and nodded his head once.

Austin's father nodded in assertion too. Then he faced the lately ignored people in front and started speaking in a deeply concerned note. His tone highlighted that of sages. His face got its plastered smile all again. His face showed up the same old look of an enlightened saint.

"Dear Gentlemen and women." For sure there were considerable women to be addressed. He once cleared his throat before getting into the topic.

"My first and foremost regret is that I myself had created an embarrassing moment out here. I know we are not supposed to bring our family concerns here and that we are gathered here only to discuss the life-giver and nothing else. But it was a misfortune that I was carried away. Austin is my only son whom I hadn't seen right from his birth. My brother raised him so far. It was a hypothetical situation, seeing my son all grown up. Being the Sorcerer Mage, I should've been more careful. I should've reacted better but I slipped today. Now, I'm ready to take up the consequences. Enlighten me mages."

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