17) The Prom Results

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Ashford, UK.

PastAshford, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

I never had been so sceptic like that before. I looked at my reflection in the mirror again and exhaled.

"You are going to believe me now. You are pretty gorgeous honey. Don't have that frown in your forehead." My mum told me in a no-more-doubts tone. I subdued to her tone and got ready to go.

I was having a vintage pale purple dress like the one Barbie dolls would have on. The netted piece that went long from my waist gave a pretty look to the dress. From the outfit to the hairdressing, everything was my mum's choice. She gave my hair a few extra curls and let it flow down. She pinned a beautiful flowery hairclip on the right side of my head and it looked perfect in that place.

It's Prom-Time at last.

After all arduous study, project and GCSEs, we got this Prom-night as a fitting reward. It's reported that the proms are the costliest thing upon which parents and pupils pour much money. But my beautician made it cheaper and elegant. When my mum was driving me to the school, I remembered the day when I was asked to be his prom-date by him.


Josh and I were sitting in the mess having our lunch. Noah and Rose came joined us. That surprised me because, from the time I started hanging out with Austin, Rose joined Noah in avoiding me. What's that concern you now?

Rose began, "You heard about it, right? About the Prom night?"


She didn't stop there. She dug in again. "Whom are you going with?"

I looked at her repulsively. But she doesn't seem to notice. "Better choose Josh. He doesn't have one, does he?"

I was furious.

"I'm sorry. I promised to go with Carol," said Josh. I looked at him and he winked at me. He didn't tell them yet about the unofficially official date he got. "As if they would be happy for me," he had said that day.

"My bad. So, Liz, you don't have one?" she asked. Her tone sounded like 'you are going to be the loner like always?'

I thought of reverting at her but nothing came to my dull mind then. "Melissa", called someone from behind. And there comes my rescue. I turned around to see, Tom, a boy from my English class was standing behind. I smiled at him in response. He asked, "If you don't mind......" he dragged and scrubbed the back of his head. I encouraged him to get to the point directly.

"If you don't mind, will you go with me to the prom?" that was unexpectedly expected. I turned to Rose who spirited me up with her eyes. I looked at Josh and his look advised me the other way. Noah looked blank. I exhaled and turned towards Tom.

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