26) The Real Test

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Screaming Woods, UK.

PastScreaming Woods, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

I hate it...

No, not that red hoodie gibbeting in front of me. But, I hated being here. It had been 5 days in the woods and I hate it beyond question. Though I didn't have any isolated reason for that, I had reasons to put up with the hatred and stay back here.

I threw the red hoodie over my pink crop top and the blue denim shorts. The hoodie flowed down to my knees hiding my outfit and making it useless. It embraced me so perfectly.

"At least, you know I need some embracements," I said stupidly to the hoodie.

Austin and I weren't in speaking terms from the minute I walked away. Though Austin tried confabulating to me, I restrained. I evaded the place if he tries engaging it. He ought to know, I was hurt too.

Though this part of me had the upper hand with my behaviour, there was this other suppressed part of me that wanted to run back to Austin. To compensate both the parts, I told myself that I would wait until that day after tomorrow. Yeah, a day after tomorrow is a very special day.

But to celebrate that special day with Austin here, I should scrape a pass in the test they were about to put me in. Today wasn't the Full Moon day. But the members were called on for a meeting.

"Done worrying?" the voice that made me trudge through the past 5 days was there again. "Listen, you'll be alright. Remember everything I had told you," said Bharathi from the exit.

I turned towards her. She exhaled nodding her head disapprovingly and walked towards me. Without any cue, she pulled me into a hug. Aww! I desperately needed it. I was nervous and unconfident.

"I will not leave you to slip away from here, just like your brother did," she said patting my back.


As we walked towards the Sanctus Promptuarium, we encountered Austin. Bharathi smiled at him and he said, "I'm not coming in. You know, Crimson is causing troubles lately." For some reasons, I felt he said that indirectly to me.

"Oh yeah. Take care," she said as we passed Austin.

I knew who that Crimson was. He was that creature that dragged me lately. Actually, he wasn't a ghost or a devil as I assumed him to be. He was just the Homoculi, short, skinny and hissing clones made of Philosopher's stone.

Unlike the day I saw Crimson, he had grown a little of his wings. He will get them fully grown as soon as Austin returns to his normal texture of colour. It's a 72 days phase! Just 2 more days to go for them to complete it.

That was because they both shared a single stone's soul. Austin was the Master-soul while Crimson was his Double-soul. Well, I couldn't explain much about it for I hadn't become word-perfect in it yet.

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