14) Being the Hotshot for a Day

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Ashford, UK.

PastAshford, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

I loved the way Austin's car glided through the asphalt road. Sitting in the back seat, I enjoyed the Ferrari ride. I wished I had a license already.

Soon, I reached the school. Everyone I met greeted me making me wonder how much of those greetings were genuine. Few smiled with fake mirth as their eyes narrated a different story. I walked all the way with a plastered smile.

I was about to reach my locker when I suddenly remembered I was Austin today. It was relatively early and the corridor wasn't crowded. I started towards Austin's locker when Jane and her friends came. They smiled at me as well. I returned a smile unwillingly because I didn't like her. 'Anyway, I'm Austin now. I had to put aside my own thoughts.' She, seeing me return her a smile went appalled.

She shrieked, "Austin you smiled back... For the first time ever, you smiled back at me Austin. Is that a 'yes'? Are you accepting me?"

I eyed her strangely. 'Who the hell is she, asking if a smile is an acceptance? Nonsense,' I thought.

I had no idea what to reply. I thought what Austin would've done. But, I knew he wouldn't have smiled at all.

"Um... Jane, you need to ask Austin about it tomorrow. Now, I'm not in a mood of replying you anything," I blurted the utter truth.

"Oh Austin, you need a special day to confess. I can understand. Yes, I can wait," she said in a sweet tone which definitely didn't get my appreciation.

"I got to go," I told and walked away gasping and reached the corner of the corridor for Austin locker when the mobile in my pocket rang. I answered the call, "Austin speaking."

"You're right," the one at the other end responded. I didn't have to check the caller ID. That's my voice after all. Who on this whole universe would get a chance to hear their voice from the other end?

"I didn't question you. By the way, I'm Austin now."

"Well Mr Blake, I saw you going all by yourself. Get to my friends. They won't roast you unless they know you aren't me."

"I don't want to get caught." The intimidated tone of mine didn't suit his broken but strong voice.

"Just chill... No one knows about that project and so what would they suspect about." I remembered the same thought I had yesterday.

But, I already screwed a little Austin.

"Fine," I said. And as something came to my mind I asked. "Let me know what are the classes you got for today."

He told me his schedule and added, "If that's okay let's get out for a cuppa coffee after school. I thought we could celebrate"

"'We' includes?"

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