7) Austin's Bloody Little Secret

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Ashford, UK.

PastAshford, UK

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Melissa's PoV:

"Seriously? You got to be kidding," I told over the call. Once I completed my part of the work in our project, I was nervous. What if Austin had a better idea than mine? What if we had chosen two ultimately different topics? To make sure we weren't at opposite worlds altogether, I called him. We hadn't chosen the same topic. But luckily, what we had chosen ultimately relates at one point.

"Why should I?" he chuckled. "I always have this thirst for blood, you know."

'Thirst' wasn't a good choice of word! "Alright, so the rumours weren't totally false. I doubted if you are a human and now it's obvious. You ain't a man. You are a-" I was about to call him devil when he cut me in proposing a tabooed word.

"VAMPIRE. At last, you found my little secret, young lady," he laughed horribly.

"Will you stop making fun?" I managed to say though that single word, in the beginning, gave me jitters.

He smirked a little and said, "Okay, but I genuinely have some adherence towards this topic. I never thought you'd have selected the same topic."

"It's for bio project. It has to be blood or bone or tissues anyway," I said. But that wasn't why I chose 'blood'. "Also..." I thought for a moment before deciding if I should tell him this. Since we are going to work together, knowing a bit about me wouldn't be hurting. I told him, "I am a haematophobic and sanguivotiphobic. You know what they mean, don't you? I fear blood and monsters with blood-diet. I thought knowing a bit more about blood would help me wipe away the fear."

"Ah! Can't find a project idea to work on vampires?" he smirked. I hate him using that word over again. I didn't speak while he continued, "So, we got to work on our bloody topic. Wow, we indeed have a 'bloody' topic."

I didn't find it hilarious. He was using those words on purpose. "So, Mr Harvey is to be disturbed so roughly from his eternal sleep," he chuckled.

"Probably... Hey, do you know where I live?" I threw a fishhook just in case he was the sender of postcards.

"Oh yeah, in the great town of Ashford," he said casually.

"Very amusing! Why not try saying I live in the United Kingdom or the Earth for that matter?"

He chucked before saying, "By the way, finding your home would not be a big deal. Do you want me there?" There wasn't any hesitation in his reply. He seemed genuinely genuine. He must be either saying the truth or the worse, he must be a professional liar.

"Um... no, you don't have to go anywhere. You just mail me your sub-topics along with your further ideas and fields of research and I'll mine. Let's see what we can do next," I said with a dire effort to change the topic. I let him know my mail address and was about to hang the call when he interrupted.

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