34) Mr Perfect and Ms Maniac

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Paris, France.

PresentParis, France

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Author's PoV:

For the very first time, Kevin witnesses Melissa crying. He's never seen her in tears. She has always had her lacrimal in check. But not anymore. She starts weeping miserably.

Kevin's heart weeps too. What can he possibly tell? What can he possibly do? He wants to comfort her. But how? He's afraid to even extend a comforting hand. She may not like it. If they were good friends, he would embrace her in a comforting gesture. But they aren't. And he doesn't want to step over now. It doesn't feel right.

While Kevin is struggling with his awkwardness, Melissa's eyes pour tears profusely. She's in unexplainable pain. This is how every night of her past years passed. Every night makes her weaker. Every night claims her tears. She wants to stop. But she can't.

Kevin hesitantly places his hands on her shoulder. She doesn't shrug off as he expected. Instead, she stops her tears abruptly.

She has this feeling that her pain is personal. Her pain is not to be witnessed by anyone else but her. Now, wailing in front of Kevin feels wrong. She wipes her tears and says, "It's okay Kevin. I'll see you tomorrow."

Kevin understands the subtle mention of him to leave. But he doesn't want to leave her at that state. He says, "I know. I understand how painful it should be for you."

"Thanks, Kevin. I'll better have a sleep now," Melissa tries again.

But Kevin is determined not to move an inch. "Listen, I know this is not the right moment to say this. I thought I would never tell you this at all. But seeing you cry is heart-wrenching."

Melissa pays the least attention to him. She's sure he will try something to console her and she doesn't want to hear that.

Kevin takes a deep breath and says, "Mel..."

Melissa looks at him confused when Kevin continues, "Do you know what happened to the soul ex-changer?"

"Yeah... It went ashes in the accident." Still, Melissa can't get to the point where Kevin was dragging her to.

"But it wasn't. It was demolished by Austin himself."

Melissa looks at him oddly. Why should a stranger like Kevin make up stories with her past?

"Austin did that because he invented the advanced version of it. He gave it to Kevin," Kevin says looking in distance.

Melissa worries her story has made a lunatic out of Mr Perfect. She shakes her head in distress. "Which Kevin?"

"For now, let's have him as a third person. Kevin and Austin had known each other for long," when he stops Melissa breaks out into a fit of laughter. Kevin's satisfied with her laugh. But what he has just said isn't false. "Kevin came to Dering Woods to see Austin."

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