18) Mr Perfect Loves a Maniac 5

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Paris, France.

PresentParis, France

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Author's PoV:

"This is ridiculous. Insane. Senseless. Absurd." Kevin is clearly disappointed. He looks at Melissa who is already heartbroken and exhales deeply relaxing. "I'm sorry; I just thought you both would've made a good couple," he says tentatively.

"Maybe. But it doesn't work," she speaks swallowing hard and looking at the distant Eiffel Tower.

"Perhaps you didn't let it work."

"Either way." Melissa feels guilty. The past years have always made her feel so. She thought she's made numb to that subject. But she isn't. Still, she can feel the same agony. The guilt is still fresh. The pain is still shearing. The memory is still vividly gut-wrenching.

"Why are you so repellent to relationships? I don't understand," he frowns.

Melissa sighs slightly before starting, "Actually, Julie and I are not the only children for our parents. I had an elder brother too. Matthew. I always preferred his side. Matt and I used to be too close. I looked up to him always. He was a great brother. Or at least that's how I remember him to be. I don't remember a lot of our childhood. But as far as I do, I had enjoyed his company." She pauses for some reason.

She tears her vision from the tower and her head falls down. In a slow but steady way, her voice comes again, "He went through the worst of breakups and he was totally broken. We all believed he would recover some way. But all our hopes ended up in despair. Matt killed himself. I know it was so foolish of him to do so. My mum was devastated. She was torn into pieces. My dad was immeasurably upset. Julie and I were broken as well. I was about to start secondary school when he was already gone. But still, I missed him so much. You know, Death always brings extra love for people."

Kevin feels discomfort. "I'm sorry."

Melissa shakes her head disapprovingly. "I stopped worrying about that long before. That incident had a very great impact on me. On his entombment, I vowed to myself that I should never have a relationship until I get myself in a steady position to handle anything. I thought Matt's immaturity is the reason for everything. So, I wanted to get myself matured and stable before getting into any relationship. Whensoever I see high school sweethearts, it hits me that they are off their gourd. That sort of hunch had grown into repulsion in later days."

Melissa lets out a sigh and picks again the threads up, "When Julie started dating Ryan, we all feared. I love Julie very much. But I disrelished the fact that she had a boyfriend soon. I feared she might leave me as well. I was furious and I complained whatsoever she did those days. Only later I understood that my fears are groundless. Ryan turned out to be a man of honour." As she finishes there's a curve in her lips. It doesn't extend much to be an exact smile. She is definitely in pain. But she conceals it tactfully.

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