Part 55

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Lexi opens the door and Millie rushes in and dashes to her room, slamming the door behind her.
"It happened, Millie. No one's judging you." Lexi sighs closing the door.
Millie had a bad day on set, keeping on blurting her lines and forgetting her placings. Now she's so embarrassed she won't talk to anyone.
'Thanks for leaving me alone with your cousin while you club, asshole'
She sends a text to Jackson. She lets out a groan, plopping herself on the couch and opening instagram to see if there's anything new.
A message pops up.
'How are you?' Niall sent the message three hours after their last chat.
Her thumbs do the usual hesitating dance.
'Ok' She sends.
Within three seconds, the message is read. She looks at the time showing 9:44pm.
'Why are you up? Isn't it going 5 am in LA?' She sends.
'In Amsterdam now preparing for a show. Only about 2pm here.'
She bites her lips thinking of a reply.
'Good luck!' She sends.
'That's all the luck I need. Thank you' He replies. Not long after, another message.
'I miss you'
She stares at her screen thinking of a reply.
'Are you drunk?'
'It's way too early to be drunk even for me'
She lets out a smile.
'Was about to tell you last night. Chickened out.'
She blinks a few times imagining where he is.
'Is it weird to call you?'
She can't help but laugh softly, imagining him backstage on the couch typing these words. 'You are very straightforward'
She can almost hear him chuckle, how she miss that voice.
'You don't have my number' She reminds him.
'You do.' He replies.
She grips her phone a little tighter as she exits from Instagram and to her contacts, seeing the name she thought she's deleted long ago. Her finger freezes a little too long over his name before pressing down. She watches as it dials, and then,
"Hello," She clears her throat and brings the phone next to her ear.
"Niall," She gulps.
"Lexi," He sighs in relief. "God, I can't believe I'm hearing your voice again." He breaths.
She swallows a lump in her throat, not knowing what to say. She misses his voice. The sound of his breathing crawls in her ear and travel all the way to her rapidly beating heart.
"Say something." He says.
"Something." She mumbles nervously.
They both softly chuckle to ease the tension a little.
"I hope you are well." He tells her.
"I am." She nods. "I hope you are doing good too." She says, she does.
"I am now."

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