part 59

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Lexi sits in the kitchen reading her script, trying to memorise her lines for tomorrow.
"Lexi," She looks up from her papers seeing Millie in her pjs. "Do you still want to go to Niall's concert?" She asks.
Lexi senses Millie's cautious tone and shrugs. "Do I have a choice?"
"Well, if you don't want to go. I have a friend that I can bring. She's a really huge fan too and she's gonna freak when she finds out that he gave me backstage passes."
Lexi chuckles and nods. "Go ahead. Have fun."
Millie lets out a happy squeal before walking back to her room.
"You don't always have to hang out in your room, you know." Lexi calls but she ignores her.
She shakes her head chuckling, reaching out for her phone. She's about to text Niall for an extra ticker before hesitating.
Jackson walks back in the living room from the toilet, sitting next to her grabbing his script.
"Let's go through it?" He asks before seeing her doubtful expression. "What?"
"What if it's a sign?"
"What is?" He asks confuse.
"Millie ditching me."
"What?" He laughs.
"She asked me to go to Niall's concert and then cancels, just when I told him I'll go."
Jackson sighs opening his script not really paying much attention. "Lexi, that's nothing." He waves her off. "Besides didn't you promise the guy you'll be there?"
"Yeah, but promises has lost its meaning now."
He clicks his tongue. "You're reading too much into this, Lex." He shakes his head. "It's really simple. If you don't want to go, you don't. If you do, just ask him for another ticket-"
"But we haven't seen each other for so long, y'know. Like what would we even talk about?"
"Nothing! You just go with the flow." He says making her roll her eyes.
"The last time I went with the flow my boyfriend ended up having sex with my best friend-"
"But he wasn't your boyfriend then."
"Yeah, but why wouldn't he mention it? As if it was nothing-"
"Because maybe it was nothing! It's just sex-"
"I know!" She exclaims. "Still." She mumbles.
He lets out a sigh and grabs her phone, waving it in her face. "Unfinished business."
She sighs taking it from him. "I hate you so much." She mumbles

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