Part 70

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They both walk in a motel room. The room is small. The one light available barely lighting the whole room, flickering once or twice as Niall switches the light on and off.
"Sorry." Lexi chuckles nervously. "Best I can do last minute discreetly. I didn't think you'd want to come to my house and deal with Millie and Jackson." She says letting her bag slide down the floor as he takes his jacket off.
They both sit at the edge of the bed. "When are you headed back home?"
"Uhm," He clears his throat. "The crew and the lads are going home tomorrow evening I believe?"
"Oh," She hums. "And yourself?"
He looks down at her, whose already looking up to him. "Anytime I want."
He leans down closing the gap between them, but not before she moves away.
"You can't just do that without asking." She shakes her head.
"Sorry." He quickly says. "Old habbit."
"Too old." She mumbles.
"Hey, come on. Let's talk." He turns her to him.
She lets out a sigh. "I don't know where to begin." She tells him.
"Me neither." He covers his face with his hands. "I think it'd be so much better if we can just forget about LA, about Lauren, about all that, and start fresh."
"But that would mean forgetting all the good stuff too."
He scoffs, kicking his foot in the air.
"Niall," She tucks at his hand. "Look at me."
He turns.
"I don't want to forget." She shakes her head. "I want to move on."
He nods and silence covers them again.
"I'm sorry."
He looks up.
"For leaving you just like that, that day at graduation. I didn't want to deal with you. That was selfish."
He scoffs.
"Yeah, it fucking was." He mutters and she nudges him playfully.
"And I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you." He says. "It would've been so much easier if I did-"
"But I wouldn't answer. So it wouldn't matter."
He snickers. "This feels like we're back in kindergarten being force to apologize to each other." He says making her laughs.
"Right?" She smiles, scratching her hand awkwardly.
She looks up to him, already looking at her so eargerly. She sighs. "Screw it." She mutters before lunging herself forward in his arms.
He quickly catches her, balancing her weight on one of his thigh. His fingers all tangled up in her hair as he pulls her close, pressing his lips on her.

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