Part 63

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'I knew sending her two tickets might be a bad idea' Niall thinks as he sings through his first half of the show.
But he doesn't want her not wanting to go alone to be a reason she might not show.
But now here she is, tangled up with a dude, and they look like they're having a fucking blast. It is a concert after all, a blast is what they're suppose to be having.
But not this!
"How's everyone doing tonight?" He asks earning a roar. "We still havin fun?" He opens his arms hearing the continuous screams.
He licks his lips trying to shake away his thoughts and push on. "You all look lovely tonight, don't you?" He laughs.
He watches as Lexi watches him, resting her head on the lad's shoulder.
"Uhm," He runs his chin before briefly turning to his musicians. "I know we haven't practice, but we're performing For Forever next-"
"We practiced that song like twice-"
"And third time's a charm right?" He points out to his guitarist.
Jake shakes his head sighing. "Is this because Lexi is in the crowd-"
"Guys, really love the bro talk. But the show's still going. We should really continue in intermission after this next song." John cuts in.
Jake looks at Niall before looking back at John "Alright," He shrugs.
Niall turns back to the crowd.
"So," He chuckles. "We have made an impulsive decision and we're gonna sing a song we've never done before. Just to show how much I love you, Sydney."
The crowd goes crazy as he watches Lexi shifts nervously next to her man.
"I wrote this song about half a year ago. I decided to not put it in the album because it came from such a personal time for me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to share that to the rest of the world." He says before shaking himself up, hyping the mood. "So this might be the first and last time I'm gonna perform this song. Can I just have you guys stop and listen. Move away you cameras, take out your flash. Be in the moment." He says adjusting his guitar.
He looks to her one more time, seeing she's anxiously waiting for him to start. "This song's for you," He breaths out. "This is, For Forever."

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