Chapter 25

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Huh? Did we fall asleep? The sky is so dark again suddenly

Oh yeah, we spent the entire last night fighting. No wonder we were so tired.



Ika is sleeping on my shoulders and is talking in her sleep.


Oh right, the sandstorm is over. Let's see if I can contact the other two.

I hover through my navigator and check the message. That's when I realised I have 9 unread messages from Reina.



I open the messages and read every one of them.
"Karma!!! Is Ika with you? En and I have decided to rest at our base for the day and await your arrival. Ask Ika where it is, she will guide you there." 8:09 pm

8:09 pm...that's yesterday, just after En left.

"Karma, a sandstorm is brewing. We can feel waves of the wind coming by. A group of players needed to take shelter but En rejected them. They seem to have a grudge with us afterwards now." 1:01 am
"Karma!! Someone bombed our shelter's entrance. Monsters are coming!" 5:29 am


I clench my fist as I read this message.

It is clear who bombed the entrance. I will find those little shits and kill them.

"We decided to temporarily relocate our shelter to street 93, block 902, address 14-21. En managed to distract the carnivorous Cerberus by throwing meat at them." 6:02 am

Cerberus?!!! There is a Cerberus in this city!!! Damn it!! They are about as big as two adults and their level is as high as 100 at night...

I need to be more careful...

"Help" 7:38 am

"They got us." 8:04 am
"Save us, 1492" 8:05 am



"Ika, wake up."
"...Hmm? What's wrong?"

I show Ika the message and she immediately becomes sober.

"They were captured?"

I nod. "I don't know where and what this 1492 means but it will be important."

Task has been updated:

Find and save your teammates before anything happens to them.

Success: +100000 exp, all of the captor's assets

Fails: two team members will be eliminated from the game in the worst possible way.

Worst possible way huh...

... I don't want to think about it.

"Firstly, let's go to your original base first," I say.
"But they relocated, why?"
"Something might be important there that we need. And we should be careful, there is a Cerberus in this city and can kill both you and me instantly."
Ika bought me to their shelter which is now in an apartment. I assume this reinforced flat used to be their shelter.

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