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The anniversary day:

"Danu please. All our hope lies within you Okay." Haniya said to danish before haniya and rizwan left for college.

Unfortunately today haniya and rizwan had to attend college but they were gonna ditched it half the way. Today was anniversary of haniya's parents.

Haniya and rizwan were in the car which was parked few blocks away from there house. When they saw  haniya's parent leaving for the meeting which was happening after the lunch break. Haniya and rizwan came back to the house. Taya-abba hadn't left for office today he was gonna volunteer in helping haniya and rizwan.

Haniya, rizwan and taya-abba were busy decorating the hall. Taya-abba was struggling with the balloons. Rizwan handed him the inflator. Both father and son where looking adorable together.

Meanwhile the parents teacher meeting was almost finish. Danish had to stop his parents from reaching home. Danish was above average students so the teacher didn't really took long with his parents.

"I am proud of beta. Keep it up." Danish's abba said to him.
"Yes. But teacher said he needs more to focus on history. He is weak in that subject." His ammi said.
"Ammi. History is so boring. I can't remmber the names and dates." He said pouting at his parents.
"I too could bearly remember them" Danish father said him as they were taking seat in the car. But only got glares from his wife.

"Okay. Let's go home now." Danish's abba said turning the key and igniting the engine as they were now seated in the car.

"Aaaaaaa" Danish began to groan in pain suddenly.
His parents became panicked and asked him what's wrong with him.
"My stomach. Ouch. Aaaa" Danish began to speak as he clutched his stomach.

"Array. What happened to your stomach. It was fine a second later what happened. Oh." His mother asked  being worried.
"Let's go home I'll make you some kadha ( home made medicine) and your stomach will be fine." Her ammi said as Danish's father began to drive home.

"No. No. Doctor. Yes. Doctor. I want to go to doctor." Danish said clutching his belly more tightly. He was good actor too just like his big brother  rizwan. And it was the plan danish already had set up in his mind.

"Azmat let's go to a doctor first. Can't you see my child is in so much pain." Danish's mom panicked as she saw danish's condition.The car was now turned to go to hospital.

On other hand all the preparation were done by the khan's family. They where now waiting for ruksana and azmat. Parents of haniya and danish to make an appearance.

"Happy anniversary" they all yelled when they saw them coming.
Both of them were actually surprised. They looked at the decorations in aww. They where happy even they both didn't remember their own anniversary.
"Oh. So this was the reason for your stomach ache dani" His ammi asked as they both looked at danish. And all of them laughed.

Later ruksana and azmat were made to cut the cake. The night was perfect. They watched the recording of their wedding day. The couple went out for the date. Which included movie and dinner. While the khan cousins decided to order some Chinese take outs for the dinner.


"Uff oh. Mahina bi you haven't made the guestrooms ready. Go do that straight right now. Shahana would be coming anytime ektoh app ko bhi pata hai na ouske tabyat ka. Go now." Ruksana said huffing. The maid left like her tail was on fire. Ruksana was looking at the door from time to time as she paced around. Ordering this and that to the servants.

No one liked the idea of  shahana coming  in the house. But they all welcomed them wholeheartedly. She was first cousins of haniya's and rizwan's father.

But who knew what actually was gonna happen.

A/N: Salaam reader's. I know the chapter is too small but I haven't updated it yet. So I did it.
I hope you enjoy it I know it is kinda boring but yet. Something is better than nothing.
Don't forget to vote before you leave.
AND ALSO  my other book MADE FOR EACH OTHER is completed you can find it on my profile.
See you guys in the next chapter till then keep reading reader's.

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