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"This is Bobby speaking."

Deans eyes went open in shock. "B-Bobby! It's me! Dean!" Dean said frantically over the phone. "Hello? Did you say Dean? Is this another prank? Listen here you little douchewad I've had enough of people trying to pretend to be Dean, AND I DON'T NEED ANOTHER JERK DOING SO!"

"No Bobby wait!" Dean said trying to talk with Bobby, but before he could say anything Bobby had ended the call. Dean sighed deeply. "Damn it! What am I supposed to do now ????"

Dean sighed once again and grabbed his bag. He placed it on his back and began walking along the side of the road.

Hopefully I get to a road sign soon that'll tell me where I am.

You turned on the corridor that lead to your room skipping happily. You were excited to tell Dean that you had found the portal and that you could leave that night. You ran to your door in excitement and unlocked it.

"Oh Deannnnnnnnn....I have the greatest of news!  You are not going to believe what Crowley showed me." You said as you closed the door, not really paying attention to your surroundings.

You took your shirt off and walked to your closet for a new one. "I saw the portal! Can you believe it? We're leaving tonight!" You heard no response from Dean yet. Which concerned you. "Dean?" You turned around in confusion and saw an empty room. "Dean?" You walked to the bathroom and saw it was as you had left it. You walked back out and saw that the covers on your bed were all messed up and there was a half full glass of liquor on your nightstand table. There was no sign of dean anywhere.

Where could he have gone?! There's no chance of him going out of the room, he knows it's dangerous and he could be punished for it.

"Dean!?" You called out again desperately, knowing it was no use. You sat down on you bed and gripped your hair as you thought, trying to find an explanation for his absence.

Could he have left without me? No, there's no way, he wouldn't have found the portal and we would have seen him on the way, he knew I was going to be walking around with Crowley. But, why isn't he here? 

You began to tear up, feeling empty all of a sudden. Dean being around gave you a sort of comfort. You enjoyed his company and loved conversing with him. He made you happy. But now you were confused, you didn't know what to think or believe. All sorts of things were going on in your head at once. What were you going to do? Try to escape on your own or stay and accept your fait of becoming queen of hell?

You dried the tears on your face that you hadn't realized had come out and stood up from your bed. "With or without him I'm leaving this place."

An Angel In Hell (Dean X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now