Party of the Century

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Chapter 24: Party Guessed pt. 2

Please excuse how crap all my gifs are lmao. 


"Oh, thank god." I sighed in relief at the person standing on the other side of the door.

"Miss me?" He asked, a cute open-mouthed smirk playing on his lips as he stepped through the threshold.

"More than you know." I told him, receiving a sweet kiss when he got closer. Turning, I set the tray of punch on a table behind me and smoothed out my dress.

"I missed you too." Stiles responded, spinning me around as I squealed. "And you look beautiful."

Blushing, I looked down at the ground until Stiles tucked a finger underneath my chin, pushing it up. Looking at him under lidded eyes, Stiles stared at me in a way that took my breath away before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was passionate and sweet and sensual and ended much too soon for my liking.

"Come on, Scott should be here soon."

Sighing, I stayed in place as he tried to walk away, causing the boy to be pulled back by his hold on my hand. The motion made me giggle as he sprung back to his original place. "I can't leave the front door. Lydia is making me help hand out punch until most people are here."

"Seriously?" The boy huffed, his head hanging for a second before he looked back up at me. "Shouldn't you guys have like..I don't know..minions to do this or something? It's your guys' birthday party."

"Lydia doesn't trust anyone else to throw her parties, you know that. Especially if it's in celebration of her." I told him, looking around the pretty dead party. "But, I should be done soon. You should go find Allison, she's already here."

"Alright. I found something important, but I'll wait until you're done to tell you guys." He said, leaning forward to kiss me on the cheek as I grinned.

"Okay, go have fun."

Stiles nodded, mock saluting me as he backed away with a goofy grin. It was only a few seconds before he'd turned around a corner and was out of sight.

Sighing, I wished I could simply follow the boy, but I knew Lydia would tear my head off if she saw my post abandoned. I hoped she knew I wouldn't do this for longer than twenty minutes, though. Once it hit the designated 'fashionably late' hour, people could find their own drinks.

For about ten minutes, the incoming amount of bodies was minimal and it confused me a bit. There were usually people already arriving before the party even started and yet this year, I could count maybe fifteen people that had walked through the door. The realization that it was probably due to Lydia and I becoming the talk of the town made me a bit self-conscious. It wasn't our fault any of these things were happening. Lydia at the very least deserved a good party. She had no idea what was going on and she'd been through so much in the last few months. Not to mention, she'd worked her ass off to plan this.

Grumbling, I continued to be grumpy as I stood by the door, watching the few party-goers flit around the house. The doorbell ringing caught my attention, causing me to spin around expertly with the drink tray in hand.

Opening the door led to quite a shock as instead of excited teenagers piling at the door, there were incredibly familiar drag queens.

Shock wearing off, a large grin soon split my features as I realized what they were doing here. Stiles had called them. "Well, come on in." Handing punch to as many people as I could, I told the teenagers that followed after to grab their own from the fountain.

The Beginning of The End {Stiles Stilinski}[2]Where stories live. Discover now