Chapter 8

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 “so I just got a call from my brothers asking that I go out with them but I said I wouldn’t go without you”

I say and he looks up at me, he’s laying on my boobs we just had sex

“I’m not going out with you and your brothers”

He says and then buries himself on my boobs again

“haibo babe”

I say running my hands in his short hair

“Aya I love you baby but I am not going out with you and your brothers. I’m sure they want to cheer you up on whatever had you all emotional earlier on”

He says and I sigh, I enjoy the time I spend with my boyfriend and I would pick hanging out with him over meetups any day but not when it's between him and my family. I love my brothers but hanging out with them will only be a reminder of what I ran away from at home. It will be a reminder that I recently learnt that my father raped my mother 21 years ago and yes it may have been a long time but to me it's still fresh, I only recently found out and it hurts me a lot that he would hurt someone he loves in such a way. Yes Yaya forgave him but how do I move past that? How do I move past my father whom I love so much and adore to the core being a rapist?

“Look I don’t know what happened and I won't know unless you decide to tell me and even if you don’t tell me it's ok but I think you should go and hang out with your brothers and handle whatever it is you trying so very hard to run away from.”

He says and I let out a sigh

“I hear you. I should prepare”

I say and he gets off me and stands up holding his hand out to me

“Lets go wash together and I will drop you off”

He says and we head to the shower

“What will you be doing without me?”

I ask him as we stand under the shower

“I don’t know, do a bit of work. I might meet up with the guys later on”

He says

“Meet up about?”

I ask and he shrugs

“Just stuff”

He says, I frown confused but then I don’t ask further. Rod doesn’t disclose much of his personal affairs, I only know what he wants me to know and from the time I have spent with him I know not to ask him more than he lets me know. Yes he’s a little secretive but he hasn’t given me reason to suspect him of anything. We shower and then get out and wipe our bodies over light conversation. We get to the room and he switches the tv on

“Argh everywhere they talking about these people”

I say annoyed while lotioning my body

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