Chapter 14

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I feel terrible for slapping my daughter, NEVER, not once have I ever slapped any of my kids. With everything that’s happened Aya’s attitude was the last straw, I know that doesn’t give me the right to slap but I just couldn’t anymore. I take slow deep breaths in and out leaning on the counter looking down. I tell Derrick what I did and he is as shocked as anyone would be right now, he turns my whole body so that I am facing him

“What happened?”

he asks and I sigh

“I don’t know, I just snapped. Everything has just been a lot Derrick, I literally feel like I’m suffocating with everything that has happened in the last 24 hours”

I admit honestly, I am not one to admit to not having control and I rarely lose control and right now I can feel that I lost control and I hate that my daughter had to pay for it. I don’t bottle things up much but all these things are happening all at once. He runs his hands up and down my arms

“Sthandwa sam it's ok”

He says and I shake my head no

“It's not ok Melo, I slapped her”

I say and he sighs

“I understand that and you can talk to Aya and work things out”

He says and I sigh

“She won't forgive me”

I say

“She will, you are her mother. You are stressed Yaya and you need to breathe”

He says and I nod looking into his beautiful eye filled with nothing but care

“Miso you got things right? You’ll call us when you done?”

He asks and I’m assuming Miso nodded because he leads us out of the kitchen and we make our way to the lounge and sit

“Need water?”

He asks kneeling in front of me and I shake my head no, he frowns

“I need you”

I say cupping his face and leaning in to kiss him and he responds, we kiss for a while until he breaks the kiss

“We can't, the kids could walk in any minute”

He says and I chuckle

“you right. Later, I still need to go and check on Sino”

I say and he shakes his head no

“you need a spa and lucky you, you have a husband that loves and adores you and will make sure that you are taken care of”

He says and I smile

“I am fortunate”

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