Chapter 18

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“Your bail has been posted Miss Brown. You are free to go”
a police officer says disturbing my train of thoughts. This was my final warning and I blew it, who could have possibly posted bail for me? With a deadbeat father like mine that is just not possible! I get up and make my way out of the cell
“Who posted bail for me?”
I ask her
“Mrs Bess”
she says, of cause I know who she is! Everybody knows the Bess Family
“Mrs Bess?”
I ask because clearly my ears have to be deceiving me
“Yandiswa Bess”
She says annoying and pushing me forward, when we get to the front she is waiting out her for me
“Macella Brown”
Mrs Bess says as soon as I step up, the officer hands me my things and takes off the cuffs
“Mrs Bess if she messes up again s…”
“I understand and best believe she won't be coming back here again”
Yandiswa Bess says cutting the woman midway her sentence. They finalise everything and Mrs Bess leads the way
I ask as we walk up to a black Jeep G-wagon
“What do you mean?”
she asks unlocking the car, as soon as we both in
“Why would you post bail for me?”
I ask being more direct
“I saw your stuff and I happened to like it”
She says carelessly
“You must be hungry”
She says, I may have grown up on the streets but vigilance is key. What if she also wants to sell me like my father did?
“I have no ulterior motives either than to help you!”
She says and I chuckle
“You read minds?”
I ask and she giggles
“No but I’m assuming you wary of me, stranger and all”
She says
“You mean rich and all”
I correct and she laughs
“I like you. So where do you want to eat?”
She asks again and I shrug
“I don’t know”
I answer honestly
“Fine. I’ll take you to my friend’s place O’Neels. They make the best fries I have ever tasted!”
She says and I shrug
I say coldly
“What's your story? Why were you arrested?”
She asks
“So you just going to dive into the questions huh?”
I ask and she chuckles
“Why not? You could jump me for all I know”
she jokes and I laugh
“Maybe you should have thought of that the minute you bailed me out then”
I say and she laughs
“You not capable. So?”
She asks and I exhale
“Mother died while giving birth to me, my father on the other hand is a crackhead that sold me off to pay off his debt when I was 10. I ran away from the dude I was sold off to and I’ve been living on the streets since then”
I say and she nods parking the car, we get off and are escorted to a table for 2. The place is hip I’ll say, it's like a skate park with the street art on the walls and play tables such as a pool table, a foosball machine and many other stuff to play with. We sit down and place our orders then the girl leaves
“Why did you go looking for me?”
I decide to ask and she shrugs
“I was driving around and came across your stuff”
She says and I frown looking at her confused
“I was asked to feature in an upcoming show and I’ve been lacking inspiration and when I lack inspiration I drive around downtown looking for something that stands out”
She explains
“So you steal other peoples art?”
She laughs
“Not at all, stealing would be me recreating a piece I saw but in my case I don’t recreate another person’s work, I just use it for inspiration and motivation. I would never take another person’s work and then take credit for it. That’s not me”
She says and I nod
“I get you. So what was so special about me? How did you find me?”
I ask
“I saw your stuff and your friend told me where to find you”
I nod
“Look, your stuff is different from anything I have ever seen before and I want to help you”
She says and my eyebrows draw together in confusion
“I want to introduce you to the world”
She says and I laugh causing a couple of stares from the other tables. A waitress brings our food and drinks.
“I’m serious, I don’t know why your work stood out to me but I want to help put you on the map”
She says
“You can come and live with me in my house, everything you need you will get”
She offers, I take a fry and pop it into my mouth
“And what do you get in return?”
I ask her with a cocked eyebrow, she was right the fries here are a blast
“Nothing. I have kids close to your age and none of them are interested in making art, not that I want you to replace my kids or anything like that but I would like to mentor you and help put you on the map. My only request is that you stay out of trouble and deliver the best you can”
She says and I nod
“We cool then. I can't promise anything but I will try not to disappoint you”
I say honestly. Never in my life have I had anyone try to look out for me and as scary as it seems but Yaya Bess is my idol, she is the reason I turn my sorrows into art so of cause I am excited about this whole thing.
After lunch we drive to where I live and we take a couple of pictures of my “vandalism” and the little things I hold dear to me which is a box filled with my childhood memories. We drive up to her house and I will say it is HUGE! We drive in and she shows me around
“As much as I appreciate you wanting to do everything for me but can I please repay you somehow?”
I offer as we stand in front of the pool
“you want to repay me?”
She asks with a cocked eyebrow
“A woman like yourself is rich as a MF and you don’t need shiit from me so to repay you may I atleast work as your assistant?”
I offer
“It's not much and I am a fast learner”
She looks at me with an amused expression plastered on her face
“I already have an assistant Mercy but I will however propose that you sign up for school”
She says and I chuckle
“Me? School?”
She nods
“Yep. Whatever grade you stopped in, you going to have to continue and get a college degree”
She says and I shrug
“I don’t know Mrs Bess”
I say
“Look, you don’t have to go to a regular school, there's art schools out here and they focus solely on the talent”
She says
“So I have to sign up to learn art?”
I say with a scoff and she nods
“It's not just about art, they will teach you a lot of things you did not know. I would really like you to go to school. How old are you anyway?”
she asks
I say and she chuckles
“I am not stupid, answer me honestly”
She says
“I’m 17”
I say and she nods
“My youngest is almost your age. He’s a good kid and I am sure you and he will get along”
She says and then shows me where I’ll be sleeping
“Mrs Bess this is a lot, may I atleast sleep in the pool house so as to not crowd your space with your family”
She chuckles
“Don’t be silly”
She says
“Please. I insist or else I go back to the streets”
She chuckles
“fine then. You can settle in and then tomorrow first thing we doing is going shopping. I will bring you clothes you can change into while you shower”
She says and then heads out.
My name is Macella Mercy Brown and I am 17 years old, I guess this is where my life begins. I may not be a Bess but the Bess family have been very welcoming to a stranger like me.
To Be Continued

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