Chapter 84

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I make my way to the kitchen because the doorbell won't stop going off. I open the door and it's Roland
“What are you doing here? Have you seen the time?”
I ask him stepping aside for him to come in
“Morning. Where is Aya?”
He asks and I shrug
“Probably sleeping, as should you”
I say walking to the fridge to pour myself some water
“Something is not right. When was the last time you saw your sister? When have known Aya to sulk this long?”
He asks walking past me
“Dude you need to relax ok! Nothing is wrong, Aya is just mad at you for whatever you did to her”
I say following behind him
“This is disrespect walking into my parents house like this!”
He doesn’t respond to me and walks straight to Aya’s door and bangs on the door
“How long are you planning on keeping us here?”
Aya asks, we’ve been here for hours. She didn’t let us get any sleep or whatsoever confronting us and mostly me for choosing Aya over her. I am tired and my ass hurts. Yanga eventually woke up
“as long as I want”
She says proudly.
“Tiara please, I am begging you. Let Macella and my sister go”
Yanga pleads and she shakes her head
“NO! Nobody is leaving this room”
She says
“Nobody is going anywhere until I figure out what I’m going to do with you”
She says pacing around, we are startled by a violent banging on Aya’s door and someone calling out for Aya.
“Who is that?”
Tiara asks looking at me and I shrug
“Someone was bound to come looking for us”
Aya says sarcastically and Tiara walks over to her and slaps her
“Shut up! Shut your mouth. I am tired of you and your smart remarks!”
She says
Someone calls out again
“Tell the person to go away!”
Tiara says to Aya and Aya shakes her head. Tiara takes out her lighter
“I don’t think you want me to set this whole room alight now do you?”
Aya shakes her head
“Go away”
Aya calls out
“I’m not leaving until you get out and talk to me”
That is definitely Roland. Aya shrugs
“make him go away!”
Tiara demands opening the lighter and then clicking something on it so that there's a flame
“He won't leave”
Aya says
“If he doesn’t leave then I am dropping this lighter on you”
Tiara says getting up, Aya’s phone rings and she answers it placing him on loud speaker
“Aya please just let me in”
Roland pleads over the phone
“Aya is dosed in paraffin. If you don’t leave then I’ll be forced to burn her and everyone in this room alive. Thank you now bye”
“Where are your siblings?”
Roland asks getting off the phone with Aya I am assuming
“What's going on? Why?”
I ask him
“Miso I do not have time to be arguing with you over this. Where are the rest of your siblings?”
He asks me again
“They should be in their rooms”
I say and then walk over to knock on Yanga’s door but I don’t get a response. I walk to Macella’s room and still nothing. I open mom and dad’s room and get the spare keys to open their rooms and they are both not in their rooms and their beds are still done
“They not in their rooms”
I say to Roland
“There is someone in Aya’s room holding your siblings hostage”
He tells me, it takes a minute or two to register what he is actually saying because it doesn’t make any sense
“Now I need you to listen to me carefully. We going to get them out but I need you to not involve the cops”
He says and I frown
“Aya is dosed in paraffin and lord knows who else. If you call anyone to help out then I won't be able to get them out alive and I am not about to risk their lives like that”
Roland promises and I nod
“What do you need me to do?”
I ask him and he thinks for a second
“Your parents do they maybe have the plans of their house around here?”
I think and I shrug my shoulders
“Not that I know off. Why?”
I ask
“I need a way to get inside that room without being detected”
He says and I think for a while
“There's a way through the attic to get out into the roof”
I suggest and he nods
“that’s perfect, where’s the attic?”
He asks and I lead the way to the attic and pull down on the latch that releases the stairs that lead up to the attic. We head up together
“What’s going to happen now?”
I ask him
“I need to get in through Aya’s bathroom that way whoever is holding them won't see me”
I crawl my way into the airvents and until I get to Aya’s bathroom and then shift the tile away and peak inside the bathroom and there's no-one inside. I slowly climb out of the roof and then drop onto the floor. I walk over to the door and then open it slowly and fortunately it doesn’t squeak. I spot Aya sitting on the bed, Macella on the floor with a girl crouching in front of her and Yanga on the floor. I expected to find someone I know or something but I am truly shocked to see a woman as tiny as this one. How did Yanga allow himself to be captured by a woman?
“Tiara please just let them go. I promise you we won't press any charges or whatsoever. Just let them go”
Yanga pleads and she shakes her head no getting up
“If you get out then you going to have them send me to that place. I don’t want to go back there, I am never going back there”
She says moving backwards.
“I need water, does anyone else need some water?”
She asks and none of them respond. She walks towards the bathroom, I get inside the shower and close the shower curtain but not the door as she walks in. She walks to the sink to get herself some water. I tiptoe out of the shower and then I cover her mouth
“Who are you? What do you want?”
I ask her as she tries to break free out of my grip but I don’t let her. She bites me hand and then runs out of the bathroom. I run after her and I find her dropping the lighter in her hands with a devious smile.
To Be Continued

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