Chapter 2

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You arrived at the motel you were staying at, which so happened to be the same one the Winchesters were staying at. You went to your room, it seemed as if they were following you.
"Why the hell are you following me?"
"Umm ...We are not following you first of all, second of all our room is right next to yours." Sam said.
"Oh, um, excuse me." You said as you went into your room and closed the door behind you. You felt your face getting hotter. Oh my gosh, Im so stupid!  I just accused the Winchesters of following me. Argh I'm so flipping stupid! God I hate myself. You got into the shower, and started washing yourself still thinking about what you're not. I'm not pretty, I'm fat, and stupid, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, I weigh at least 110 pounds for my age, why am I like this? My personality sucks. You are out of the shower now, changed. Still thinking.  I'm too aggressive and rude and- there was a knock on the door. You went to answer it.
"Hey Y/N, are you okay? Sam said he thought he heard you crying. Is everything alright?" Dean asked.
"Uh... yea Dean I'm fine." You said as you felt a tear roll down your cheek. You wiped it away before Dean  could see it, but it was too late, he already saw it. He pushed you back into the room and closed the door.  Damn it.
"Talk to me Y/N. What's going on?"
You couldn't hold yourself back any longer. You just let the tears fall as you looked at him. Didn't make a sound, just stared and let the tears fall. You got up and grabbed your keys in one swift movement and walked out the door, slamming it behind you.
You were already outside and next to your 2020 Dodge Challenger by the time Dean found you. You got in and     sped off. You already had your bags packed, they were loaded into the back. You had to leave. Had to get out. It was snowing bad now, but you knew you would be out of it in no time.
. . .

Once you were out of the snow, you saw the sun just barely rising. You loved to watch the sun rise as a kid. You would wake up earlier just to watch the sun come up, Your parents thought you were crazy. You hated thinking about them. Everytime, it just reminded you of how they died.
You were 16, and that horrible car crash on Christmas had completely destroyed you, made you a hunter. You told your mother you saw your friend's eyes go fully black, before you left her house. It was snowing that day. You were in the backseat of the car as your parents drove you home. You saw your friend pop up right next to the window, staring at you, you screamed at the top of your lungs. Your father slammed on the brakes, got rear ended at first then t-boned into another car, skidding across the road, slamming into the other car, and then flipping forward, killing your parents. But leaving you there. Perfectly fine.
You have blamed yourself for their death ever since, never forgiving yourself.

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