Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Sam and Dean

Dean realised that Emma was a demon long before Sammy did. He grabbed Sam's arm and yanked him away right before Emma grabbed the steak knife and slashed at Sam. She missed but wouldn't stop slashing her knife. Sam dodged every time until Emma slashed his arm and then slashed his right eyebrow. She then started laughing mercesslily, and stabbed Dean in the arm, dragging the knife out so it became a deep bleeding skin trauma. Dean yelled out in pain as half of his arm was sliced open at the elbow. Emma then ran outside, and stole a brown busted up truck, and followed Y/N down the street.
Sam looked at his brother, his arm was bleeding, and had basically been cut off. Sam's wounds were perfect compared to Dean's. They had to get to the bunker soon, or else Dean would be dead from blood loss. Sam ran to his brother, who was almost unconscious, he picked him up and helped him get into the passenger side of the Impala.
Sam got into the driver's side and pulled out, and he started speeding down to the bunker. He was going at least 98 mph just trying to get back to the bunker. He glanced at his brother. Blood was everywhere, all over his clothes, the floor, the seat. It was everywhere.
Dean groaned and grimaced in pain. He was panting now. He was holding his arm,trying to stop the blood. He ripped a piece of his shirt off, a long one, and tied it as tight as possible above his stab wound. He screamed and hit the Impala's door, leaving a dent on the inside. Sam drove even faster now, barely missing the front of a Semi-truck.
"Sammy, watch it! This is my baby you almost killed!" Dean yelled. Sam thought it was stupid for Dean to be thinking about the Impala, when he was literally dying, and his arm is halfway cut off, pratically dangling, bleeding everywhere. Stupid, your literally dying and your thinking about your car? Seriously Dean. Sam thought.
By the time they got to the bunker, Dean was gone. Sam almost yanked him out of the car, and pulled him inside the bunker as fast as he could.
"Castiel! Cass you here?" Sam yelled. "Castiel come on, it's urgent! Dean's hurt!"
Castiel popped up right next to Sam. Castiel already knew what had happened. He had watched it after talking to you. He knew that if you were there you would have blamed yourself for Dean's death, just like how you blame yourself for your parents' death. He knew you would never forgive yourself.
Castiel put his hand on Dean's chest, right above his heart, bringing him back to life. Once Dean was alive but still unconscious, he moved his hand to Dean's arm, and began healing it. It was a long process, but it worked, although it left a huge scar.
"Dean will be okay, but he needs to rest, so don't wake him up. I have to go."
"Wait but Castiel-" Sam started, but Castiel was already gone. Sam put Dean on the couch, and left a bottle of water and a beer right next to him on the coffee table. He found a slice of pie left in the fridge, and he put that next to Dean too.
Sam packed a bag-holy water, salt rounds, shot guns, silver knives, all of the equipment needed to take down a demon. Sam took one last look at Dean, and then walked out the door, headed for the Impala.

. . .


Dean woke with a start, and looked at his arm. The gaping hole in his arm was gone, the only thing left was a purple scar. He poked it, like the scar would just disappear and the blood would start all over again. He poked it a second time, nothing happened. Again, he poked it once more, still nothing happened.
Dean looked to the side of him, and saw a beer, slice of pie, and a bottle of water. Screw the water. Dean thought. He took the bottle of water and threw it across the bunker. It exploded with impact, and water sprayed everywhere. He took the beer and opened it, took a swig. Oh that's the spot. Dean thought, satisfied. He ate the slice of pie in less than two minutes.
Dean realised that you never went back to the burger bar. He wondered if you were still at the bunker. He looked in the kitchen, then the library, dungeon, and storage room. Finally he checked the bedrooms. He checked Sam's room first, he didn't know why at first, then he realised what you might've done. He ran to his room, hoping, praying that you were there.
The only thing that was in his room were his belongings, except for one. There was a note on his bed, he picked it up, fearing what it read.

Dear Dean,
I am truly sorry for leaving you. I had to leave, it wasn't you, it was me. I'm sorry Dean. I love you and I won't ever forget you. I only left because if I didn't, you and Sam would be killed. I had no choice. I am truly so very sorry Dean. I didn't want to do this. I love you, I really do. I hope you can forgive me for leaving. All I ask is that you don't call me, don't text me, please just try not to make any contact with me. Thank you for showing me all the love that you gave to me. I have never felt that happy ever before. Please remember that I love you, and I won't ever forget you. I hope you can do the same for me. Again, I am truly sorry. - Y/N

Dean crumpled the note into his hand. He ran to your room in disbelief, all of your stuff was gone. Dean stormed down the hall, almost running. He reached the library and lost it. He threw things off the wall, breaking them, picked up lamps off tables and shattered them. He threw book shelves to the floor, books flew everywhere. By the time Dean left the library, it looked as if the bunker had a nuclear bomb go off.
Dean went back to his room, he sat there for a bit on his bed, letting the tears fall. He made no sound. He got up and dressed in all black. He then proceeded to the garage, and got on Dorothy's bike, and drove off. Dean decided he was going to keep his promise of hunting you down if you just randomly got up and left without a reason. And so the hunting begins. Dean thought with a devilish smile as he drove onto the freeway.
He was following your GPS in your phone, he knew exactly where you were. An abandoned cabin up in the mountains

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