Chapter 8

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You woke up, and Dean wasn't at your side. You got up and went to the kitchen to find bacon and eggs cooked and sitting on the table with a note. You grabbed a plate and read the note.

Hey Y/N sorry I had to leave you there alone. I made you some breakfast. I hope it tastes good. Sammy found a hunt and we are on that now. Killer unicorns. I will call you tonight, and Cass will check up on you every now and then.. I promise I will make it up to you when I get back okay. - Dean
P.S. Sam says hi by the way and don't break anything, oh call if you need anything. - Dean

Alright then you are now in the bunker alone. You eat bacon and eggs, Dean somehow made them just the way you like them. You don't know when Castiel will be back so you decide to grab your phone and speaker, and blast music throughout the bunker. You listen to all of your favorite songs running around, jumping on tables, dancing, singing at the top of your lungs.
You ran out of breath and sat down on a table. Still jamming out to your music. You laid down with a huge smile on your face. It's been years since you've had that much fun.
"Wow, you know when the boys aren't here, you have a lot of energy, and a great voice for that matter." It was Castiel. He had short dark hair, deep blue eyes,and a tan/beige trench coat with a twisted tie and suit underneath.
"Oh my gosh! Were you here the whole time?! Castiel What the hell?! You don't just sneak up on people like that! Oh my gosh you gave me a heart attack!"
"I can heal you if needed. And yes I was here the whole time, ever since you woke up really. You ran right past me, how did you not see me?"
"Shut up Castiel please."
"Why, did I offend you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to Dean just told me to watch over you and make sure you would be okay. He told me not to hurt you so I ask for your forgiveness."
"What the- No Castiel it's fine, you didn't offend me at all. You just scared me."
"Oh okay, well I am still sorry for the inconvenience."
"It's fine Castiel."
"You know you can just call me Cass right?"
"Oh okay then Cass, I don't hate you and yes you are forgiven for scaring me."
"Okay, just had to make sure. Are you hungry? Dean said that he made you something for lunch and dinner in case you got hungry."
"I swear that boy thinks I can't do anything on my own. But yes Cass I am hungry. What time is it?" You looked down at your watch, 12:00 pm. That's so weird it was like 8 not too long ago.
Cas led you to the kitchen where he finished up some Caesar salad and Spaghetti.
"Dean made all of this?"
"Yes, he really is extraordinary, isn't he?"
"Um, yeah."
. . .

By the time Dean got back, it had been days later, and your dance parties with Cass did nothing to stall your boredom. When Dean walked through the door, you ran as fast as you could and jumped on him, trying to hug him, but instead making you both fall on the floor. You laughed a little as you pressed a kiss on his lips. He pushed you back a little after kissing you back,
"Not that the kiss wasn't nice or anything, but who the hell are you and where the hell is Y/N?" Dean said, smiling a little.
"Dean, I am right here, but it's boring without you here. Cass and I had dance parties but they were boring too. No offense to him or anything, you are also a great cook, and a really good kisser. Anyways now that you're back I can have more fun now. Wait a second.....did I just kiss you and then ramble about how amazing you are.....son of a gun, I need to shoot myself now."
Dean laughed a little. "And she is back. I was wondering where you went. And it's nice to know that you like me too." Dean pulled you down by your collar and then kissed you again.
"What kind of fun did you have in mind?" he asked you smirking.
You looked at him and kissed him again.
"I guess you will just have to wait until later, won't you Dean." You whispered, smirking, your lips brushing his with every word you said. He smirked devilishly, and gave you a look that said 'Oh really'. Sam knew that look all too well.
"Okay, not that you two are disgustingly adorable, but oh my god, will you please get a room you're killing me here." Sam said, you could tell he was happy, but for some reason scared. You got off of Dean.
"You okay Sam?" You asked him, concerned.
"No, who the hell are you, why are you kissing my brother, and why the hell are you here?"
"Um Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" Dean asked you.
"Uh yea, sure Dean." You answered.
Dean pulled you aside, and tried to explain to you what the situation was.
"Sam has ghost disease. Turns out the ghosts were the killer unicorns. Don't worry, it should wear off soon, but I have to go back to actually kill the last one."
"Wait what do you mean? Dean, I don't understand what you are saying."
"Sam is afraid of you, of me, he is afraid of everything. The last ghost that I have to kill takes away his memory, and also makes him fear everything. Sam has partly ghost disease, but also something else. I think its a spell-"
"Like from a witch?"
"Yes, so I think that the last ghost is a witch."
"So it's a witch-ghost thingy."
"Yes and I have to go kill it. Cass is going to come with me-"
"Why can't I go with you? You said that I was amazing, you said that-"
"I know I did, but if I take you on a hunt, I will be worried about you, I'm afraid of losing you, I-"
"Dean how do you think it feels knowing that you might not come back after a hunt, how do you think it feels thinking that Sam might be carrying your dead body into the bunker? Huh, How do you think it feels Dean?"
"Look, I promise I will make it up to you when I get back okay. Cass will protect me, and I promise you can come with me on my next hunt okay? I promise I will make it up to you."
"Fine, I will stay here with Sammy, but you better hurry up, and don't die."
"Okay I won't."
"And Dean."
"I will be. I promise."
You wanted to tell him how you felt. You wanted to tell him that you loved him. He kissed you on the lips as he held your hands.
"I will see you soon." He said as he pulled away. He let go of your hands, and walked away. I love you and I don't want to lose you. You silently said to him as he walked out the door.
Sam was unconscious on the floor. Holy crap Sam. You thought as you dragged him onto the couch.
It was about 1 am so you decided to go to bed. Dean wasn't home yet, but you didn't care. You went to his room, and fell onto his bed, taking in the sweet aroma of them. They smelled like him, ocean and dirt, and of course sweat. You loved that smell. You curled up into the covers, and fell asleep, hugging one of his pillows

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