Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


You woke up in your Challenger, all the blood was gone, even from your clothes. The cut on your throat was also gone, you looked into the mirror, nothing was there, not even a scar. You smiled a little. At least Lucifer thinks you are on his side. You get out of the car, slowly, almost as if you are going to fall.
    You slowly walked to the bunker, your legs felt like jello. When you got to the bunker, Sam was already there. You slowly walked inside. Sam grabbed your arms, yanking you down the stairs. Once you hit the bottom of the steps, you fell, smashing into the floor face first.
    "Where the hell have you been? It's been months. You said you were just going for a drive."
    "Sam, what are you talking about? It's only been a few hours."
   ̈"What the hell are you on? Y/N it's been 6 months."
    "No it hasn't. It's only been a few hours since Dean..."
    Sam suddenly grabbed you by the shirt and threw you onto a table. He started screaming at you, and hitting you.
    "You are worthless! I hate you! Dean hates you! You dirty piece of shit! Go to hell!"
    "Already been there twice now." You grabbed Sam's fist as he swung to hit you again. He raised his other fist, but you grabbed that one too. From the connection you used to have, and the small amount of power Lucifer gave you, and your unborn baby, you went to see Sam's soul. It was gone. Soulless!Sam was back.
    You threw him across the room, and put a bullet in his leg. Sam still got back up and threw you on the floor, you dropped your gun. Before he even tried to throw another punch, he did something different. He yanked down your pants, you tried to kick him off, but nothing worked. You started screaming. You couldn't do anything. Sam continued ransacking you.
    That was when someone burst through the door, and shot Sam. Sam fell on top of you, and you pushed him off as fast as you could. You looked up to see those beautiful green eyes and that gorgeous dark hair.
    "Dean." You breathed. Dean looked at you, showing no sense of recognition at all.
    "Dean." You said again, clearly this time.
    "Who is Dean? And why do you keep looking at me like that?" This wasn't Dean. That's when you realised it. Damn It!! Lucifer sent  me to the wrong dimension.
    Suddenly, you were back in hell.
    "Lucifer?" You said, angrily.
    "Yes, my queen?"
    "You sent me to the wrong dimension!"
    "Did I?"   
    "Yes, Lucifer you did! I would like to go to the right one now!"
    "Alright, alright, calm yourself you're going now."
    "Thank you."
    You woke up in your Challenger again. No blood. You got up and walked into the bunker, gun held at the ready.
"Y/N?" Sam yelled.
"Sam that really you?"
"Uh, yeah it is. Who else would it be?"
"Oh thank god." You said as you hugged him.
Sam hugged you back.
"Where have you been, it been months, 6 to be exact. I thought you were just going for a drive?"
"Oh, yeah about that, you know just the normal, saving people, hunting things, you know, the family business."
"Uh huh, okay. Is everything alright Y/N?"
"Yeah, absolutely splendid."
"Alright then."
Sam pulled you back into another hug. When you pulled away, you went to grab a beer. You turned around, and Emma was right there, kissing Sam.

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