Chapter 9

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He hated leaving her. The excitement she had when he got back, only to tell her that he had to leave again. I have to make it up to her, anything she wants. Anything. I won't hold back. Dean proceeded to think about you as he drove back 80 miles. Took him 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there. He already knew who the monster was, so he went in swiftly but quietly, shot it with the witch killing bullets first, and then killed the spirit itself. Sam should be fine now. He got back into the Impala and drove back to the bunker.
He walked inside, expecting you to run to him and jump on him, like last time. Unfortunately that didn't happen. He was a little disappointed. Instead, he walked to your room, on the way there, he saw Sam knocked out cold on the couch, you weren't in your room, so he just went to his room. Once he saw you in his bed he smiled. You were in nothing but your underwear and a tank top, hugging a pillow. She looks cold. Dean thought.
He got ready for bed, wearing some flannel pants, and nothing more. He took the pillow from your arms, and got into the bed with you, and wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you as close to his body as possible.


You woke up to feel someone wrapping their arms around you, and then pulling you close to them. You looked up to see Dean's face. He was shirtless, and he had some flannel pajama pants on. He didn't notice that you were awake, so you decided to surprise him.
You kissed his collar bone, and then moved your way up his neck, and then finally reached his lips. He kissed you back, full of passion and longing. He slid his hand underneath your tank top, dragging it up your side, feeling the curve of your body. Your tank top curled around his arm. He stopped when his hand reached your neck. You continued kissing him, hard and rough now.
You wanted this, no you wanted him and only him. Screw everything else, right now the only thing that mattered was him. You needed him. It was like he was a missing link to you feeling whole, instead of feeling like you were ripped to shreds.
You slid your hand down his side, to the 'v' in his waistline. Dean didn't stop. He pulled you on top of him, and continued roughly instead of passionately. You collided so many times, you didn't think it would stop. Who needed anything else, when you could have this.
Dean sat up, making you sit on his lap. He pulled off your tank top, and started kissing you everywhere. You started to pull off his pants a little, then he stopped, and grabbed your hands. You were confused. You didn't understand why he stopped.
"Not yet." He breathed. Both of you were breathless. Dean didn't stop fully, he still kissed you, all he did was say not yet, so he moved your hands. You both wouldn't stop colliding, even until after 11 the next day.
When you finally stopped, you both just layed there. You eventually got Dean's pants off, when he finally let go and just did it. It was around 3:30 in the afternoon. You didn't even realise how fast time passes. Dean turned to you, smiling.
"That was great. Although, I thought you didn't do that type of stuff."
"Well, I missed you, and I um.....I have something to tell you Dean."
"Yeah, of course, anything, what's up?"
"Um...You see Dean...I kinda kinda...just maybe...."
"Just tell me, I won't get mad at you I promise."
"Well screw it.... Dean I'm in love with you. That's why I did it, I lost my virginity to you because I bloody love you okay. There I said it."
Dean just stared at you. Here it comes.. You thought. Dean seemed to be thinking in deep thought.
"You do?"
"Yes, Dean I love you. You know what, I'm sorry this was a mistake, I..I should go." You said as you got up to get dressed. Dean grabbed your hand and gently yanked you down into his lap.
"I love you too." He said, He then kissed you. It was long and passionate, he was holding nothing back. "I love you" he mumbles against your lips. When he finally pulled away, it was like stars had entered his eyes. You both got dressed, and walked to the kitchen together, Dean's arm around your shoulders. He was stealing kisses from you as both of you ate lunch.
Sam was trying to do research for a case,and every time he would look at you and Dean, he would see Dean doing weird couple stuff. Sam cleared his throat.
"Is there something you need to tell me Dean?"
"Whatever you're talking about Sammy, I am truly sorry but I just don't care right now." Dean said as he went in to kiss you. Sam looked at him, and cleared his throat again, Dean looked at him annoyed. Sam raised his eyebrows and looked at you, indicating that this was about you.
"Sam what are you talking about?" Dean asked annoyed.
"Argh, you know what okay then fine, I'm going to just say it."
"I've been waiting for you to do that this whole time Sam."
"You and Y/N were moaning literally from 4 am last night to 3:30 today. Dean, that is 11 hours of straight screwing around with each other, and now your stealing kisses from her left and right. You wanna tell me if something is going on Dean?" Sam said, raising one of his eyebrows as he said the last sentence.
"Well, then Sammy, why don't you use that giant brain of yours, and figure out what's going on. Other than that, no I don't have anything to say to you."
Sam already knew what was going on. He knew that you and Dean were having a thing going on between you two. He just hasn't heard either of you say the words 'I love you' yet. That was what he was waiting for. After he hears Dean say it, he can rub it into his face. Dean would probably come back with a smart remark about how Sam is still single, but that wasn't true.


Sam met a girl named Emma. He was now dating her, but she hasn't met Dean yet. Or you for that matter. She is another hunter, but has no idea who Dean and Y/N are. She is probably new at this. Emma would be coming soon to the bunker, Sam just needed to know if he could trust her for the rest of his life. Dean knew that he could trust Y/N because, well one they were already screwing around with each other, and two she was one of the biggest hunters ever known, every demon feared her, including Lucifer, until he stabbed her with a friggin spear.
Sam decided that he would go to hang out with Emma for a while, maybe stay the night. He went to his room and took a shower, got dressed, and then got ready to go. He left and Y/N and Dean were now on the couch cuddling as they watched a movie called 'It'. Y/N jumped and hid her face into Dean's chest, and Dean started laughing.
"I'm going out." Sam said.
"Alright, don't die."
"Ha ha Dean, very funny."
"I know I'm just hilarious."
Sam smirked as Y/N got scared again from a jump scare and almost knocked herself and Dean off the couch. As he started going towards the door, Dean yelled after him.
"Don't you dare touch the Impala Sam!"
"Okay Dean."
Y/N yelled after Sam too.
"You can take my baby Sam, 2020 Dodge Challenger, it's black and blue. If it comes back with even a scratch I will hurt you, but you can take it and impress this girl you're going to go meet."

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