Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    You pulled onto your childhood street and parked your car in front of your old house and got out. You leaned on your car and stared at it. All the memories you had there, your mother reading to you so you would fall asleep, sometimes singing a lullaby. Your father tickled you, making you laugh till you cried, everytime he did you squirmed around laughing and trying to tell him to stop. The snuggles when you had a nightmare. Your mother telling you she was pregnant, the misscarriage only a few weeks later. The laughs, the cries, the love.
    You remember when you turned 16, your parents allowed you to date. Your father bought a shotgun only days later. The first boy you brought home to meet your parents, the face he made when he saw your father made you laugh.
"He is only joking Danny, don't worry he won't actually hurt you."
"You want to bet money on that sweetie? He hurts you, then I'm going to jail, and you owe me 20 bucks." Your father said as he disassembled, cleaned and reassembled the shotgun. The fear in Danny's face was priceless. You smiled a little as you remembered your old life, your good life.
    An older man came out of the house onto the front porch and yelled at you.
    "What the heck are you doing standing there staring at my house like a psychopath? Get off of my property and get out of my sight ya filthy animal!"
    You quickly got back into your car after yelling sorry to the man. You drove away and slept in the car, you had nowhere else to go, your car was your home. You started to drift off to sleep once more after parking the car underneath a tree when your phone started to ring. Who the heck could be calling me at this time of the night it's like 10.
    "Y/N, is that you?"
    "Depends on who is asking."
    "It's Dean. Are you-"
    "How the hell did you get my number Dean?! I never gave it to you!"
    "Yeah, Sam slipped a tracking device into your back pocket, it has abilities to get into your phone and get all of the information about you. Hold up, I'm going to put you on speaker..okay you're good now." Dean said.
    "What the hell Sam!? Why did you put a tracking device in my back pocket?! You freaking pervert!"
    "'s a..funny story actually.." Sam said, pausing trying to explain it.
    "You know what, whatever I don't even want to hear it. Why did you guys call me? It's like 10. Is that not late to you?"
    "Nope not at all sweetheart. Anyways. Are you in a motel or something?" Dean asked.
    "First of all, I am most certainly not your sweetheart. Second of all, no I am not in a motel, my car is my home, I stay in there when I don't have a case. Why?"
    "Okay, I am going to send you the location to the bunker." Dean said.
    "What the hell Dean?! You never want anyone in the bunker and now you're just going to let Y/N waltz in? This isn't like you!" Sam retorted.
    "Sam, Y/N is literally a legend. She is a man of letters! Er..woman of letters I should say. Anyways, she deserves to be here! She has done a lot more than we have!" Dean said, surprisingly calm.
    "Whatever Dean." Sam mumbled.
    "Okay Y/N sending you the coordinates for the bunker now okay?"
    "Mk Dean..Got 'em. See you soon."
    You ended the call. Did Dean just give me a home? I'm so confused. And why did Sam seem so mad about it, oh well I have to worry about that later, right now, I'd better hit the road, looks like an 8 hour drive. Well that's not too bad.

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