Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

You entered the kitchen to find everyone sitting at the table, eating the breakfast you and Dean made. Everyone was there, Castiel, Jack, Liam, Sam, Dean, even Gabriel and now you. The only one who wasn't there was Emma. You figured that she went back to Lucifer, taken the fact that Sam hasn't mentioned her once since you were back, no pictures of her were anywhere, not even on Sam's phone. It was almost as if he had never met her.
You didn't care, this was perfect. Everyone was back. You went and sat in a chair next to Dean. He kissed your cheek and continued eating his food. You looked down at your plate to find bacon, eggs, and pancakes already on your plate. You grabbed the silverware and munched on your food, admiring the taste and smells of it.
As an archangel, you could only taste and smell the molecules in every little thing, never tasting them and really enjoying them. This made you smile, and you ate even faster.
"Woah, babe, slow down your going to choke." Dean said, grabbing your hand. You stopped trying to shove food into your mouth and chewed then swallowed. You continued slowing yourself down to where eating was at a normal pace, and soon enough you were savoring every single bite.
Bacon was your personal favorite. It tasted amazing, had the perfect amount of crunchiness, but not like it was like chewing rubber. It was perfect. Dean really knew how to cook the perfect bacon.
Breakfast was soon over, and Sam helped Jack clean off the table. Dean grabbed your hand, and soon enough you were sitting next to him on one of the couches, and everyone was looking at you. You sat up, uncomfortable with all the staring. Castiel cleared his throat.
"You're not an archangel anymore?" He asked.
"No, I am not." You responded.
"How - How did you get out of the empty?"
"I created the empty, and I can destroy it just as fast."
"You destroyed the empty?! What about all the souls that were-"
"No. I didn't destroy the empty. I made a deal. That's why Gabriel here is a horse. It was either he comes back as a horse and me without the whole archangel business, or we don't come back at all."
"Okay." Liam said. That was the only thing Liam had said all day.
"This might be a little random, but where is Micheal? You came back and Dean resurfaced, but wouldn't Micheal resurface too if Dean was back?" Sam asked.
"Well, Micheal... I don't actually know."
"What?" Sam said. "You mean Dean has an archangel in his head and you don't know what his whole mojo is? That's so helpful."
"Sam stop it. Let her finish." Dean said.
"Thank you Dean. As I was saying, I know that Micheal is still in Dean's mind. The thing is, Micheal won't be back until my grace is back. Heaven doesn't even know about this which means none of you can tell anyone. Understood?" You said, looking at Jack, Liam and Castiel.
"Yes, I understand." Castiel said.
"Yes." Jack replied.
"Sure." Liam said mockingly.
"Excuse me?" You said looking at Liam.
"I said sure, what's it matter."
"It's a yes or no question, not 'sure'." You said, sneering at him.
"Well then I guess I just don't care then. I mean not my problem if word gets out. I mean what harm could it do?"
"Liam, You'd better not tell anyone or I swear to god, I'll-"
"You'll what? Smite me? Sorry, but it looks like you're out of juice. Your power is gone. You can't do anything so don't act like you can. Besides, I can kill any of you right now. I am more powerful than you now."
You were silent. Liam was right, but was he threatening you? You couldn't tell. He could kill all of you in less than a second, but would he?
Liam raised his fingers, and in a snap like motion, Sam fell to the floor, choking. Everything then appeared to be in slow motion. You saw Dean's eyes go wide, and you saw Dean jumping from the couch to Sam. Sam fell to the floor. Castiel then took out his angel blade, but he too was on the floor in a second, his angel blade across the room, and Castiel lied on the floor, blood pouring from his mouth.
You felt your insides being crushed, and you fell to the floor, clutching your stomach, as if that was going to make it better. You felt a warm liquid coming up your throat, and you coughed up blood almost immediately afterwards. That was when you saw Jack running to Liam.
Jack tackled Liam, and stabbed him with an angel blade. Liam stopped his power for a second too long and soon Castiel was at Jack's side, doing a little bit of the stabbing himself. You heard footsteps running towards you, and felt a pair of hands wrap around your face, and you looked up to see Dean's teary eyes staring at you.
"Stay with me Y/N! Please just stay with me!" He begged.
You smiled at him and blacked out.

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