Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    You arrived at the bunker in 4 hours and knocked on the door. Hopefully I don't get shot. You heard a gun cock on the other side of the door, afterwards the sound of Dean's voice.
"Who's there?"
"You sent the coordinates to me after slipping a tracking device in my back pocket. Who do you think it is? The Easter bunny?"
The door opened and you saw Dean, smiling.
"That was a good one."
"Haha so funny. Can I come in now, I'm freezing out here."
"Yes come on in."
You walked in and looked around. Holy crap this place is huge. You walked down the staircase, tripping on the last one. Dean grabbed your arm so you didn't fall on your face. Maybe that would help the ugliness if I fell on my face.
"You okay?"
"Yea, thanks for catching me."
"Don't mention it."
"Um, Dean, why did you bring me here?"
"You didn't have a place to go, and you didn't seem like a total douchebag, you are already considered a woman of letters in my book, so you can live here now. Just know that if you betray me and Sam, or just up and leave without a reason, I will hunt you down and kill you myself."
"Uh, yeah, I kinda got that Dean. You're just that type of person."
"Hm. Come on, I will show you to your room."
Dean led you through a series of hallways, until you finally came across one in particular.
"This is your room okay. I am just down the hall if you need anything. Sam is on the other side of the bunker but it isn't too far. If you need him for something just let me know."
"Mk then, thank you Dean.....Can I ask you something?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"1. your freaking awesome and 2. your hot so yeah and 3. you're just so damn amazing."
"Seriously Dean, that isn't a good reason. Tell me the truth."
"Well, uh... I do think you're hot, that one isnt a lie, and I just have a feeling that I need to trust you and befriend you before you kill me..."
"I doubt I would kill you but okay Dean. Thank you for telling me the truth. Also, I hate to say it, but I don't think you're right about me being hot. Im ugly, okay. I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight Dean."
"But-Okay goodnight Y/N"
You went inside your room and closed the door when Dean's hand stopped it.
"Y/N, I don't care what you think, you are amazing and beautiful, and hot, and sexy and-"
He finally looked at you. You were staring at him, wide eyed, like a deer.
"You think I'm sexy? Dean I think you need to see an eye doctor or something, because I'm sure as hell that I am most certainly not sexy, or hot, or beautiful or damn amazing okay. Just get that through your he-"
Just then Dean pressed his mouth to yours. He was quick but passionate somehow. He pulled away and said a quick goodnight, and then walked down the hall to his room. You just stood there, shocked.
After you got your senses back you walked backwards into your room, and slowly closed the door.
What the hell just happened? Did Dean just kiss me? What the hell is going on with him? He must be blind to what I really am. How stupid of him to think I am pretty, and sexy for that matter. Why the hell did he kiss me though. I mean it felt good - what no what are you thinking. Get that out of your head. It did not feel good, Nope nope nope nope nope nope. Okay maybe... NO! Argh! Screw it, I'm going to bed.
You got ready for bed with all of this running through your mind. You realised that you were shaking by the time you actually got your night clothes on. Really it was just a tank top, and nothing fancy. In the winter you had some flannel bottoms so you put on those. You climbed into the bed and closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep. After a while, it worked, and you fell asleep. No dreams.

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