Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


He woke up on the floor, blood all over him. He saw the ropes, and the knives that were left behind. He didn't understand what was going on, or how he got there for that matter. He looked up.
"Well good morning Dean. Good show you put on there."
"What the hell are you talking about Lucifer?"
Lucifer pressed two fingers to Dean's forehead and showed him what he had done with Dean as his vessel. Dean's eyes went wide.
"Son of a bitch! Lucifer, you have no idea who the hell you are dealing with! One, you're going to get me killed and two, She hates me now! What the hell man!" Dean yelled at Lucifer.
"Hey Dean, I think you're forgetting something here, you and I made a deal. You would be my vessel if you found out why she left, you never said how long, and you never said how I would get it out of her."
"Okay but-" Dean started, but Lucifer entered his body once more. Lucifer then teleported into your car. He was in the back seat. He smiled as you looked in the rear view mirror in the middle of the car that belonged to the interior. You screamed.
"Easy there sweetheart, it's just me. Now follow everything I say and no one will get hurt."
"Like hell I'm going to Dean."
You drove the car faster and went to drive it into a tree, Dean grabbed the wheel, and made the car stop immediately. He smiled at you. You didn't realise it was Lucifer, at all. You saw Dean climb over the seat, you couldn't get your car to move. Dean climbed on top of you.
"Dean stop..please."
"No." That's when you got it. You saw his eyes glowing red. was Lucifer this whole time.....I'm going to murder his ass, then beat Dean for making a deal with the devil.
"Lucifer, I said stop."
"Finally, you figured it out, I was getting a little bored too. Oh by the way, Dean is in here, he knows what he did to you, when he cut you, and tortured you. That had nothing to do with me, that was all him. I just thought you would like to know."
"Dean wouldn't do that. He isn't like that."
"And how would you know? You have only been with him for what, I'd say a couple months."
"Maybe, but I think that I would know my own boyfriend better than you, Lucifer."
"Oh really, because I am a part of him now, after all, I am inside of him, feeling every single part of him. Right here, right now."
"So what, I have felt every single part of him too, nothing that your saying means shit, so why don't you just kill me already."
"I would but I need you, a lot more than you think, you see once you're dead, you're going to come back. You're going to go to hell, and you're going to become a demon. You're going to be the queen of hell. You're going to be my queen. You're mine, and there isn't anything you can do about it." With that Lucifer left Dean's body, Dean collapsed and fell on the seat, dead.

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