Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


You immediately drew out your gun, pointing it at Emma's head, finger on the trigger.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" You yelled, the gun still pointed.
"Woah, woah! Y/N calm down, just put the gun down! We - I can explain this! Just put the gun down!" Sam said, he was afraid but still protective of this demon.
"I am not putting the gun down Samuel! Tell me what's going on with the gun up, or I will shoot her without hesitation! Why is she here?! She killed my parents! No she made me kill my parents! Tell me why she is here!" You screamed.
"Okay! Okay, listen to me." Sam started to calm down. "She isn't a demon anymore, I exorcised her, she isn't a demon okay. It's fine, she isn't going to hurt you anymore, she has no reason either. Just calm down and put the gun down. Everything is fine."
"Dean wouldn't approve of this." You said.
"Dean is gone, he has been gone for six months. It's about time you move on. Now just put the gun down."
You looked at Sam, eyes burning. Dean wasn't gone, you knew he wasn't. He couldn't be. You still held the gun at the ready, your finger ready to pull the trigger. Sam walked up to you slowly, putting his hand on the barrel, and pointing the gun toward the floor. Emma started to walk towards you, you shoved Sam out of the way, your hand shot up, and fired.
The bullet missed her head, but grazed her arm. She ducked down for cover. Sam went to grab the gun and you punched him in the face. His hand shot up to his nose, blood poured through his fingers. 
Emma was on the other side of the glass wall in the library. You ran as fast as you could, diving through the glass wall. It shattered with impact, everything seemed to be in slow motion. You tackled her, glass flying everywhere. She smacked into the floor, her head hitting first. You started punching her, you were furious. Blood was everywhere on her face, your knuckles had her blood mixed in with yours.
Sam finally got there and pulled you off of Emma. He pinned you to the floor. You started screaming at the top of your lungs. You couldn't let Sam rape you again, not again. "NO!" You screamed, and you punched him in the gut, the eyes, the throat. You kicked him as hard as you could, and he flew off of you.
You grabbed your gun and ran, you couldn't help it, you were scared. You didn't know where you were going, but you soon found out. You were in Dean's room. You spun around and locked the door. You then curled up into his sheets, smelling the sweet aroma of them, Ocean, dirt and sweat. You laid there and cried.
Cried for what felt like hours, you couldn't face Sam again, or even Emma for that matter. That's when you heard a voice.
"Y/N, are you okay? What is the matter?" It was Castiel.
Next thing you know, the angel was hugging you. You whimpered at the affection, you didn't want it and yet there it was, from your former best friend. You didn't have to tell him anything, he already knew what was going on, with Lucifer, with Sam and Emma, with Dean. He stroked your back lightly. He was very comforting, you realised, Before you knew it you weren't crying anymore, and Castiel had healed your wounds - not that you had many.
Next thing you knew, you were fast asleep, in Dean's bed, and Castiel was gone.

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