Chapter 39

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We entered the kitchen, hand in hand, and she let go to start breakfast. I heard a groan coming from the map room. I went to go check it out, to see Cass about to hurl. I quickly rushed to his side and almost yanked him to the bathroom. We made it just in time and he fell on his knees and threw up in the toilet. I walked out the bathroom door, and closed the bathroom door behind me to let Cass figure it out on his own.
I walked back to the kitchen. Y/N was making pancakes and eggs, and she had bacon at the ready. I started putting the bacon onto the griddle, and listening to the satisfaction of the sizzle. I got one batch of bacon done before Y/N had gotten the pancakes done. By the looks of it, she only had a few pieces left to cook.
I heard the door open and figured it was Sam. Little did I know, it was actually Gabriel, still in horse form. I heard the clip clop of hooves as they slapped the floor. Next thing I knew I saw the tall, elegant black horse coming down the stairs and walking into the kitchen. The horse stopped in front of me, and sniffed me. It then nuzzled my hand.
"He has a scratch on his back and he is asking if you will get it for him." Y/N said, laughing a little at my confused expression. She then walked up to Gabriel, and scratched his neck and moved down to his shoulder and scratched him there. Gabriel nuzzled her face and playfully bit her ear. I felt myself getting jealous. I wanted to slap Gabriel.
She pushed him out of the way and she set the bacon, eggs and pancakes on the table. It was then I could imagine her having a normal human life.
She would be living out on a ranch, making breakfast for her family, then going out to feed the animals. It was a beautiful sight to see her happy.
"Gabriel follow me." She said as she walked down the hall to her old bedroom. She came back with a skinny rope. She quickly tied it into a complicated form of knots and slid it behind Gabriel's ears and slipped it over his mussel. She then attached a longer rope and led him back outside. She came back in and was covered in slobber.
"What happened?" I asked her. I was genuinely curious.
"Gabriel doesn't like to be tied up. I did it anyway though. I am going to go wash up okay. Can you call everyone to the table?"
"Yeah sure."
"And you guys can start without me, I won't be long." She said, she then walked down the hall, and entered the bathroom in my room.

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