Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


"Michael, tell me you got it done for me." You said, as you examined Dean's machete.
"Yes, their memories are erased." Michael said as he stood next to you.
"Good, we can't afford them to know just yet." You started to sharpen the machete.
You heard the flapping of wings.
"Hello Y/N" You recognize that voice. The cold, deadly, lethal voice.
"Michael please leave, look after Sam and Castiel." You said to Micheal, without turning around you addressed the voice.
"Lucifer." You said, still sharpening the machete.
"You remember me, what a surprise."
"Well, people tend to remember it when their younger brother wishes for her to be his queen, and rapes her twice."
"When you say it like that it sounds bad. I like to think of it as a very close bond between siblings."
"Your disgusting Lucifer."
"Yes, well I seem to get that a lot." Lucifer said, appearing to be deep in thought. You finally turned around to face him.
"You didn't just show up to see me did you, because if you did I will smite you right here, and right now."
"Oh, yes. Some of my demons, well one of my demons actually. Anyways, they informed me of your plan to kill me. Using the Nephilims, seriously? Wow, you are too scared to do it yourself or something? Come on big sis, you're better than this, especially with some other things that you've done with me." Lucifer said.
You knew exactly what he was talking about, the first night in hell you spent with him, the night he tried to make you pregnant, when you denied his sperm.
"That isn't the plan Lucifer."
"Well, then what is? Pardon my asking."
You looked at him, wanting him to just explode right then and there, his vessel started expanding, you smiled. Lucifer looked at you, eyes widened. Right before his vessel exploded, he was gone. He left his vessel out of fear. His vessel exploded, and blood splattered all over your face.
"Michael, you can come back now." Right then Michael appeared at your side, and looked at you. You grabbed a cloth out of your pocket, and started to wipe off the blood.
"So what is the plan, If you don't mind me asking." Michael said, handing you another cloth.
"Oh trust me, it's surprising. We are going to do exactly what Lucifer expects us to do. We are going to use the Nephilims, possibly get them killed." You said to Michael, both of you knew who was there, and you were filling her head with lies on the plan, you looked in her direction, and saw her head looking around the corner.
Emma, you don't need to hide, I can hear you perfectly, you're trying to get all of this to Lucifer so I don't murder him, don't worry I won't but I will be having some fun. Now come out from your hiding spot before I make you.
Emma slowly came out from the corner. She had blood on her hands and clothes. You immediately searched her memories. She fell to the floor as she tried to stop you, but you were already inside her mind.

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