Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


You finished off warding the small cabin when you got a text message. You pulled out your phone, it was from Castiel. You unlocked your phone, and read the message. Cass was just checking up on you. You were grateful he still cared. You texted back saying everything was fine.
Just then, a bullet blew through the door, zipping right past your face. You grabbed your gun and knife and took cover. You quickly texted Castiel, Hold on, something is going on. You were the world's greatest and deadliest hunter according to most hunters, including Sam Winchester.
You snuck on the floor, and walked out the back door, putting a silencer on the gun. You walked into the forest, making your way around to the front. You climbed the tree where you kept your sniper rifle, praying it was still there. Thank God. It was still there, waiting for you. Silencer was already on your sniper, and the gun was already loaded and ready to fire.
You saw the thing shooting through the cabin door. It was wearing all black. It kicked down the door and entered the small cabin.


He kicked down the door, and entered the cabin. Warding symbols were everywhere, the walls, the shower, the tables. Dean noticed that they were all symbols for demons and angels only, meant to keep them out. He needed to find you, he didn't care. He started wrecking the place, turning things upside down, tearing apart the walls, going down into the basement, wrecking things down there as well.
He couldn't find you anywhere. Shit. Dean thought. He went out the back, noticing boot tracks. Found you. He thought as he followed them to a tree. He looked up, and grinned.


"There you are." He said, You didn't like the sound of his tone, it sounded like an animal. Almost like a growl. You knew who it was. Dean. You thought.
"I've been looking for you. You are not a very good hider, I just figured you should know." Dean growled as he started climbing the tree. He continued, "I hope you know I told you I would start hunting you down if you just up and left without a reason, now look where we are." He grinned, it wasn't right. It was more of a crooked, evil grin. He started cackling. This isn't the Dean I know. You thought.
You climbed up the tree, the branches started thinning out more.
"You think you can just climb higher and I won't get you? How foolish of you to think so little of me." You climbed higher and jumped into the next tree.
"Well what a fancy move my dear, why don't you entertain me and show me a little bit more." Dean said. He was enjoying this, you could tell. You just couldn't figure out why he was, he said he had loved you, but now you didn't know if he meant it.
He started climbing faster, and faster. He was so close to you now, close enough, he could just lunge and grab your ankle. You moved faster through the trees, then you slipped. You fell. It wasn't too far of a fall, but you ducked and rolled just to make sure nothing happened. You started running.
Dean was deadly, you knew this. You just didn't know how deadly he was. He started yelling again, and you heard him drop from the tree and roll as he hit the floor.
"You ate my pie, told me you loved me, and then you left me, saying that me and Sammy would be killed. The bunker is the safest place on earth, why would you leave it? I loved you and this is how you repay me?" Dean yelled after you.
You heard a click and suddenly, something exploded right next to you. Dean has grenades. You realised. You couldn't hear anything except a loud ringing in your ears. You got up as fast as you could and looked back, only to find that Dean was only fifty yards away. You started running again.
You knew this forest better than anyone. You pumped your legs harder, faster. You started running as fast as you could. You pushed yourself even more, running faster than you ever had before. You knew Dean wasn't too far behind, you could still hear the yelling, the explosions. That's when one blew up right in front of you. You went flying, and fell on some rocks, your head slamming against them.
The last thing you saw as blood seeped into your eyes, was Dean walking through the smoke quickly towards you, Ruby's knife in his right hand, and in his left, an angel blade

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