Chapter 3

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Sam and Dean

"What do you mean 'She just left'?" Sam asked Dean, a little confused.
"I mean she just stared at me for a little bit and then got her keys and left. I guess all of her stuff was already in the car. I don't know man, she was literally crying when I was there, but she didn't make a sound. She just let the tears fall, something was obviously wrong with her, but she just up and left in the middle of a freaking snowstorm you know, like that's totally normal. It's weird. Something is obviously wrong in her head, but I don't know what." Dean said confused and angry.
Usually he gets everyone to just tell him about their problems, well not everyone, but he can get Sam to tell him. He just thought that because Y/N was a girl, she would just tell him everything, that was what most girls did, at least with Dean, he wouldn't do anything about it though. He would just kinda listen. Maybe she doesn't trust him and Sam, that would make sense but still. She just stared at him for like 2 minutes, then up and left.
It didn't make sense to Dean, or Sam. They were both confused. Why would she just get up and leave when she was crying in a snowstorm? Sam thought.
Sam and Dean were already headed to the car, after a case, no matter the weather, they had to leave as soon as possible. Sam threw the 2 duffel bags into the backseat and had a small struggle to get into the passenger side of the Impala. His height didn't help with the fact that it was snowing and he was standing on ice. Dean on the other hand was laughing as he watched Sam struggle to get into the car. He slipped and fell multiple times. When he finally got into the car, he saw that Dean had been recording the whole time with his phone. Sam pushed the phone out of his face and told Dean to shut up and start the car. Dean, still laughing, put away his phone and started the Impala, and they were off.
After a while, Dean realised he had no idea where to go from there.
"Hey Sam, where are we going exactly?"
"Head to the bunker, see if we can find any traces on Y/N. I want to know why she just got up and left while she was crying. She needs help, and I plan on giving it to her."
"Sounds like a plan to me." Dean said as he sped up and started toward the bunker

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