Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Benny led Dean through the forest of Purgatory, as they neared the secret gate to hell, the backdoor as Benny called it. When Dean and Benny arrived at the portal, there were Leviathans everywhere. At least that is what it seemed like. Really there were only five.
"I can lead them away, and you can get in the portal." Benny said to Dean, keeping his voice low.
"What?! No Benny I can't let you do that, you'll be killed." Dean said.
"Whoever you're looking for, they have to be important. If not, you wouldn't be back here, looking for hell. If they are really that important, then I have to help you get these guys away, either one of us, or both of us dead. I would rather choose one of us Dean, not both of us."
"Benny, you are the best monster friend I could ever have. The only one actually, but that isn't why you are the best. Thank you."
"Of course Dean, anything for the hunter who spared my life once, and does it again constantly."
The boys hugged each other, saying goodbye, and Benny threw a rock at one of the Leviathans, and yelled,
"Hey you dirty bastards, come over here and eat me, I am so sure you're damn hungry!"
All the Leviathans started chasing him at once, and once the area was clear, Dean went to the portal. Even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't. It sucked him in, and he hoped for god's sake he wouldn't get caught in hell since Lucifer is in charge now.
It felt like ages for Dean just to get through a portal. When he finally got through,a demon was on the other side. Its eyes widened as it saw Dean....."Winchester." It breathed. Dean kicked it into the wall, and grabbed it by the neck, almost choking it, he then broke the demon's neck, and stabbed it with Ruby's knife. Dean continued walking down the hall. That's when he heard a familiar voice, a cold, deadly, lethal voice. Lucifer. Dean thought. It was Lucifer.
He then heard another voice, also familiar.
"You sent me to the wrong dimension!"
"Did I?" Lucifer said.
"Yes, Lucifer you did! I would like to go to the right one now!"
"Alright, alright, calm yourself you're going now."
"Thank you."
That's when Dean understood. Lucifer had the cold, deadly, lethal voice. The other voice was you. Dean could never forget your voice, the beauty it had, the way it flowed out of your mouth. Right now though, your voice was different. It was dangerous, toxic, it sounded as if you were spitting poison at Lucifer, the way you yelled at him, the way your voice sounded so cold and fatal. Your voice sounded malicious. Sounded as if you were about to kill Lucifer himself, right then and there.
Dean was almost afraid of you, talking to the bloody devil himself like that. Dean didn't like your tone, and he knew that if you had spoken to him like that, Dean wouldn't be talking to you anymore.
Lucifer though, had other plans.
"When she gets back, put her in my room, and make sure she is undressed. She needs to be." Lucifer said. "If she wants to be a naughty girl, oh then she will be." Right then, Lucifer looked in Dean's direction, glowing eyes. Dean moved behind the wall as fast as he could, hoping he wasn't caught.

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