Chapter 32

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    Chapter 32


    Dean sat on the floor holding your hand, your angel wings burned on the floor, fire breaking out, but he didn't care. Dean tried everything to get you to wake up, even though he already knew the truth. He knew you were dead. He knew that your death was your doing. The fact that you killed yourself and the last thing that he remembered saying to you was 'Listen to what, you?! HA! I would rather go back into my head, so I can't hear you.'
    He knew that your death was partially his fault. If he wasn't so angry with you, then maybe you wouldn't have done it. You felt horrible already. He grabbed the archangel blade, and stuffed it in his pocket.
    Micheal. He called out in his head. Michael you better be listening to me you jackass. I don't care if you are in my head, but we are taking down Lucifer for good, and he will stay dead this time, you understand me. Now get me the hell back to Sam.

. . .


    Dean walked in, and Y/N wasn't with him. Sam noticed that Dean had a blade in his pocket, and his pocket was drenched in blood. Sam went up to Dean, and picked his pocket sneakily, and snatched the blade out of his pocket. Archangel blade covered in blood. Y/N isn't here, and this would've been her blade....oh no, did Dean murder her? Sam thought.
It didn't seem right but it was the only thing that came to Sam's mind that made sense. She wouldn't kill herself because they needed her to help destroy Lucifer, for good.
Sam was anxious to ask Dean about it, but he just couldn't. What if Dean would murder him too for finding out on his little secret.
Dean didn't have any scratches, cuts or bruises on his body from what Sam could tell, so it was possible Y/N did take her life, but Dean was being possessed by an archangel, so if Dean were to get hurt, then Michael would just heal his body.
Sam didn't understand any of it, but he just hid the blade, and walked away. Whatever happened, Sam had the feeling that you were dead, and you probably weren't coming back.

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