Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


It had been 15 months since Y/N's death, and Michael's disappearance. 12 months since Dean has lost his frontal lobe. Progress was being made, although slowly.
Dean was learning little by little. He knew his name, that he was a hunter, Sam was his brother, his best friend was Castiel, who was an angel. He knew about demons, angels, archangels, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, all of the hunter lore.
Sam couldn't tell Dean about Y/N. It would kill him. Sometimes Dean looked at his phone and saw pictures of her, and would ask Sam and Castiel about it. Castiel wouldn't say anything, but would get tears in his eyes, and Sam would just say that she was a very close friend.
Oftentimes, Sam wondered where Micheal went. After Y/N's death, Michael disappeared. Sam hadn't seen him since. He wondered that if Michael were still here, would he be able to heal Dean and bring back his frontal lobe?
Liam was gone, disappeared the same time Y/N killed herself. Jack was present, but wasn't there mentally. He had lost his brother, well it wasn't even his brother, just someone who was like him. Jack was empty. It was almost as if he wasn't there. He wouldn't speak, or anything. All he would do was come out, eat some food, use the restroom, and drink water mostly. He was in a depressive mood all of the time.
Castiel rarely showed up anymore, and when he did, it was to check up on Jack and Dean, and then he would be gone again. Just like that, Team Free Will was done for.
So really, Team Free Will was gone, and it was just Sam. Oftentimes, Sam spent his days teaching his brother, and then his nights looking for a way to help him. He would call Rowena multiple times a week, the answer was always the same. I'm sorry Samuel, there is nothing I can do. Dean can not be saved.
Sam called every contact in his Dad's journal. Still nothing. Sam wouldn't quit. He read the books in the library a million times, finding nothing. He was starting to lose hope after another three months. Yet, he still kept looking. Five months had passed by. Seven months. Nine months. Twelve months. Finally, Sam lost hope, and gave up.
. . .


"My name is Dean Winchester, my brother's name is Sam Winchester. We are hunters, we hunt monsters. Vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, demons, angels, archangels, you name it and we are there. We live in the men of letters bunker. My father was John Winchester, and my mother was Mary Winchester. Deceased. My best friend's name is Castiel. He is an angel of the lord. My girlfriend's name was Y/N, she killed herself.....she was an archangel. I have pictures of her on my phone. Sam never told me about her." Dean said, looking into the mirror when he woke up.
That's when it hit him. He remembered his girlfriend. How she died. The mysterious girl on his phone was his girlfriend that killed herself. He ran out of his room, and went to find Sam.
"Sam!...Sam!" Dean yelled as he walked into the kitchen. Sam was sitting in a chair, slumped over, head in his arms. He fell asleep on the table with his face in his food.
"Sam wake up." Dean said, shaking his brother awake. Sam woke up, and rubbed his eyes.
"Hm? What Dean?" Sam said, finally waking up.
"I just remembered my old girlfriend. Her name was Y/N, and she killed herself. She was an archangel. She is the mysterious girl that you said was a close friend. I have pictures of her on my phone. See?" Dean showed his brother a picture of him and Y/N. He was kissing Y/N's cheek while she took the selfie. Dean smiled a little, looking at the picture.
Sam pushed the phone away, he was smiling, like Dean, but was holding back tears. He hated her, if she never killed herself, then Dean wouldn't be like this. She would still be here, and nothing bad would've happened. Lucifer would be gone. Dead probably.
Dean understood that Sam didn't want to see the picture. Although, he couldn't figure out why Sam seemed so sad. Dean had just remembered something on his own, wouldn't Sam be proud of him?
"Yes, Dean?"
"Aren't you proud of me?"
"Uh, yeah of course I am."
"Doesn't seem like it."
"Well Dean, I promise. I am really proud of you. Its just-"
"You are not proud of me. You are disappointed in me. You didn't want me to remember her. That is why you never told me about her isn't it? Were you in love with her?"
"What? Dean no, I wasn't in love with her. It's completely the opposite-"
"You hate her?! Why? She was amazing. She treated you like you were her own little brother. She was there for you. Yeah, she killed herself, but I was grieving, you know that is how I grieve. Don't get mad at her for me poisoning myself on purpose!"
"Wait, What? Dean you went to poison yourself? WHY?"
"Because, I couldn't take it! Truth is, it wasn't alcohol poisoning! It was real poison! I was going to kill myself! Everyday I tried to! That is why Castiel couldn't heal me! I asked him not to! I made him swear not to heal me! I couldn't forget about her, but that is what ended up happening anyways! I couldn't live a life without her in it!"
"Really Dean?! Seriously?! You would've never killed youself for some stupid girl! Never! You've changed Dean! Now your just some stupid boy who is lovesick! It's about time you get over her! She doesn't matter anymore! At all! So why don't you grow a pair and leave her behind!"
"Don't talk about her like that!" Dean yelled, as he swung at Sam, hitting him square in the jaw.
"She respected you! Hell yes, she was an archangel! She wasn't a human, I know! But she loved me! She treated you with respect! You never, ever did the same! It's about time you do!" Dean said as he beat his brother. "She was like your older sister! She treated you like family! She loved you! Sam, she loved you! She thought you were amazing! You were her little brother to her! She hated angels and archangels! She hated herself! She tried so hard to make you happy! Why can't you see that?! She would've done anything for you! Anything!"
Dean stopped punching Sam and got off of him. During his yelling, he threw Sam on the floor and started hitting him like crazy. Sam was bloody, Blood was smeared all over his face, and clothes. Dean knuckles also had blood on them, his knuckles were split. Dean looked at his little brother.
"She loved you Sammy. You were part of her family. I can't believe that this is how you treat her. Especially after she killed herself for you. You heard me correctly. She killed herself because she let Lucifer possess her. If she didn't then Lucifer would've possessed you, and you wouldn't be alive, just your vessel. You should thank her for saving your life, instead of hating her for it."

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