Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


    I watched as she walked away, and then she just disappeared,I assumed she just took flight and is now somewhere. There is no way she isn't just a normal angel, it's just impossible. I mean, Castiel said that no normal angel has the power, and the wings that she has. It must mean that she isn't a normal angel. She and Liam both know something. Plus the fact that Michael already knew that she was an angel. He knew her perfectly. It was like they had known each other their whole lives.
    She has only been an angel for a little amount of time, either word got out and spread like wildfire, or she is lying, and is probably going to stab us in the back. Plus, she has said that Dean would become his own angel self or whatever, but he isn't, he is Michael, again. What the hell though? I mean, why would she lie? She has no reason too, hell she has no point. Sam continued thinking as he made his way to the bunker.
    And Liam. He looks nothing like Lucifer, so what if Dean is the father because he looks a lot like Dean with the green eyes, and the brown hair.Although, before she went to hell, she was human, unless. What if she is the archangel that gave Liam his power and Dean is the father who created the Nephilim. Oh my god, I have to tell Castiel. By this time, Sam was already at Castiel's bedroom door. He immediately opened it and burst into the room.
    "What- Oh hey Sam what's up? Is everything okay?"
    "I was thinking and I think I know what's going on! You know the whole Y/N thing!"
    "Okay what then?!"
    "So I was talking to her after you left, and she mentioned something about archangels, even though you said nothing about that. Then she left once I confronted her about the whole archangel thing. Michael addressed her as if he already knew exactly who she was, she has only been an angel for like two days! And then Liam. He looks nothing like Lucifer, but he looks like a younger version of Dean, so what if Y/N is the archangel that gave Liam his power, and Dean was just the one who created the Nephilim."
Right when the last word popped out of Sam's mouth, he fell to the floor. Michael stood behind him. He looked at Castiel and started shaking his head.
"How unfortunate. I have to waste my time erasing your memories because you were foolish enough to keep thinking about it, and not let it go." Michael said. He seemed annoyed. He moved quickly, too quick for Castiel and put two fingers to his forehead, and erased Castiel's memory. He did the same to Sam's memory, who was still unconscious on the floor. He then walked out of the hallway, and down the corridor.

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