Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Your son stared at you, he was adorable, fully grown, but adorable. He had brown hair and green eyes. His hair was styled like Jacks, but a bit messier. He almost looked like a younger version of Dean, with dark hair and green eyes.
You still didn't know how you were an angel, but you were and that was that.
You quickly looked around the room, and found Sam on the floor, asleep. He was still bruised and bloodied from when you beat his ass, when you thought that he was trying to rape you. You saw Emma, laying on the couch opposite of Sam, also bruised and bloodied. Her injuries were much worse than Sam's. You woke Sam up, and he woke with a start, almost slicing open your throat.
"Where is Dean's body?"
"What- Y/N we burned it. Well I burned it, since you weren't there."
"Did you bury the ashes?"
"No they are right there." Sam said as he pointed to an urn, sitting on the shelves on the wall. "Why do you need them anyway?"
You ignored his question entirely, grabbing the urn, and opening it. You poured the ashes onto the floor, Sam's eyes went wide but you didn't care. You looked at your son, he already knew what to do. You both used the angelic power that you had, and held it above the pile of ashes. Dean's body started to form, and Sam was freaking out, racing from one end of the room to the other, despite his injuries.
When Dean's body had finally come back together, you cut his arm, and then your own, placing the two bloody arms together, and Dean's soul entered his body.
Sam finally just stood there, as he saw Dean slowly coming back to life. He was shocked, so shocked that he fell onto the floor, and just sat there. His mind was blank, except for that fact that you had angel powers now, and some kid was with you, and the fact that Castiel wasn't there to help you with any of this, and yet you still did it.
When Dean's body and soul were fully back together, he opened his eyes, and smiled at you. You quietly put your hand on his head, and spoke to him telepathically. Dean, My son and I have just put you back together. I promise you I will explain later, right now though, you need to rest. You took your hand away and he was asleep. You assumed your son would figure out what to do, and he did. You thought of Dean in his bed, with you at his side, and then you were there, in his arms, asleep.

. . .

You woke up, and Dean was still asleep. You got out of bed slowly, trying as hard as possible not to wake him up, you were successful. You went to the kitchen to get a coffee. As you were drinking your coffee, Sam walked in, with Emma close behind him, they were holding hands. Your son appeared next to you.
"Mother, you never gave me a name." Your son said, looking at you.
"Oh yes, right I'm sorry, there was just so much going on, I completely forgot. I will call you, Liam." You said, brushing your fingers through his hair.
"Liam, I like that name. Thank you mom." Liam said, smiling, he continued. "I don't want Lucifer to be my father, I know he is by blood, but you absolutely despise him, and you want to kill who is my father?" Liam asked you.
"That is your choice my boy, who can choose who you want your father to be. It can be Dean, Castiel, Sam. Anyone you want."
"Then I want Dean to be my father. You seem to love him the most. And Castiel will be my best friend as he is yours, and Sam will just be my uncle."
"Okay Liam, whatever you choose." You said as you looked at Liam.
You were glad that he chose Dean to be his father, but would Dean accept that? You knew that he would be a wonderful father, but would Dean want to be? What if he thinks that he will just turn out to be like his father. And what about Jack, Liam's half brother? Their father by blood is Lucifer, for both of them.
Just then, with all of this in your mind, Dean walked into the room. He came and sat next to you, and kissed you on the cheek. You smiled at him as he pulled away, he smiled back, but then his face grew serious.
"You have some explaining to do for me and Sam. And who is that?" Dean asked you, pointing to Liam.
"Oh yeah, about that. Ha, well first off, that is Liam, he is my son. Dean, he has chosen you to be his father. Lucifer is his father by blood, and Jack is his brother."
"Okay, so this kid is my son now?"
"Only if you want to be my father, you don't have to consider me to be your son, but I have chosen you to be my father because of how much my mother loves you." Liam said to Dean. You blushed a little.
"Oh, uh...this is a lot to take in, Holy crap." Dean said, staring at the floor. "Can we talk about this later?" He asked you quietly. Yes. You telepathically said to him.
"Anyways, how did you and Liam, bring Dean back? I mean he was dead, burned to ashes, then you just dumped him on the floor, and brought his body back, memories and all." Sam said, you could tell he was confused, but eager to find out.
"Well, back when I was in Hell, Lucifer....." You hesitated. Should Dean know about this? He has to know, Liam put his hand on your shoulder, a sign of comfort. You smiled at him.
"Lucifer made me pregnant, and while I was pregnant with Liam, he slowly gave me power, and now I am an angel. I hear angel radio, I have grace, I have wings, the whole angel gig. And Liam, well obviously he is a Nephilim. He did most of the work bringing back Dean, I just did the healing and restoration of his memories. Oh, and putting his soul back into his body."
"So you were in hell that whole time?" Sam said, he was awed.
"Yes, I was in Hell the whole time, I am supposedly Lucifer's queen. Lucifer still isn't dead by the way. That is my next mission, to kill him."
"Holy shit, that is a lot to take in. You're the queen of hell, you're an angel, your son is a Nephilim, and Dean is the chosen father of all this." Sam said, trying to take it all in at once.
"I know that this is hard to take in, but in order to defeat Lucifer, I need all of your help, and this includes Castiel and Jack."
Right when you said Castiel's name, he was there, and Jack was at his side.
"I have already explained to Jack what the situation is, and he has agreed to do it, and to help teach his half brother about his power. I will be teaching you about your own power."
"Wonderful, thank you Jack. And of course thank you Castiel. You are both amazing."
"As for you Dean," Castiel said, and Dean looked at him. "You are to become an angel, if you are to help us defeat Lucifer."

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