iii : Drunk

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Drunk: (1) The effect of mass/little alcohol intake depending on your weight i.e Light-weight, mid-weight, or heavy-weight


After a couple of rounds Taehyung finally got chosen, “I dare you to kiss jungkook,” biting the inside of his lip taehyung looks over locking eyes with him, he slightly gets on his knees and kisses his cheek, “No~ taehyungie that's not how the rules go,” flushing at jimin’s comment, “It’s ok, he at least did the dare-” “No that's not fair jeon, as much as we played this game we had to lip lock,” sighing jungkook motions to the bottle, “Take three swigs then anyone of us can dare you,”

Holding back his urge to cut off jungkook mid sentence, taehyung takes the bottle and takes the swigs, shaking his head as he stared to see small disorientation, lips parting as things continued to deform, spotting jimin whispering into the olders ear he closes his mouth Taehyung knew he just wanted to go home he never thought he could feel so sick after what a glass of wine and a three shots of another bitter type of wine. 

Looking in the direction that Jungkook's hand turned his face he started pouting which got a laugh in return, "it's the same dare ok," Taehyung's groan turned into a soft gasp as Jungkook placed his lips ontop his leading the kiss, by the time Taehyung had figured out what to do Jungkook had already deepened the action.

Pulling away everyone watched as the cherry red boy took a minute before passing out, laughing softly everyone waited to continue the game after Jungkook carried Taehyung to bed, once he returned so did the game.


The soft noise of birds woke the sleeping boy, reaching around for his glasses Taehyung ends up falling out the bed, carefully climbing back up he rubs his eyes riding of the left over sleep, seeing the the blurry vision of his glasses he gladly puts them on realizing that this was not his room, and what happened probably was not a dream.

Groaning and rubbing his head Taehyung looks around the room, it was beautiful as it was decorated with sky blue walls and off white furniture, the carpet under his toes plush and soft making him giggle, stopping when he heard a knock at the door, looking up he seen Jungkook standing in the door way, "glad to see you woke up,"

Taehyung didn't respond, embarrassed at the last memory he had before the next day came, biting his lip as he still couldn't believe he had his first kiss practically drunk, "What? Embarrassed by your morning voice, aren't we all?" Laughing slightly, taehyung walks over to the doorway thanking and taking the clothes from Jungkook's hand, "The bathroom is down the hall, I'll take you home when you're done, yea?" Nodding Taehyung uses Jungkook's poor directions and finds the bathroom, putting off his headache with the steam of the shower.

▪︎ Chapter three of three finally posted, and I think I like this pattern, three chapters when I make them all posted on the same day, what do guys think?

▪︎ Sorry for any mistakes, Anyway I hope you all enjoyed, Love Yous!

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