xv : Love

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Love: (1) An intense emotion when with a person(s); (2) The start of almost everything living


Let's be honest, love is a difficult word, almost like it should be able to define itself but even that's difficult, so when you tell someone that you love them what really are you feeling, are you feeling like a storm when they leave or are you feeling like a million fireworks when with them or when you touch, do they feel the same?

Take jungkook and taehyung for instance, jungkook confessing that he thinks that what he's feeling is love, those few words actually sparking a fire in taehyung and making that fire grow in jungkook, is that love?

Silence was the only thing that filled the garden house, both boys sill as red as a tomato foreheads connected as the backlash of words spin in both heads, "Jungkook what is love to you?" His tilt of the head getting taehyung to look up, "Love it's not stupid its terrifiing, but once you get someone thats willing to go through it with you it's more like a Rollercoaster, if that's not love then I don’t know what is,” his little laugh keeping jungkook's full attention.

"I like that definition," laughing along jungkook moved some hair out of the youngers face, caressing his cheek after, “What's love to you?” “I don’t have a definition,” jungkooks smile not fading as he watched the boy, think biting his tongue, “Then use mine,” he shakes his head, “That’s plagiarism,” “To an extent yes, but I want us to share it,” cringing right after his sentence jungkook shook his head, not liking how sappy he actually could be.

Sitting there jungkook continued to play with taehyungs hair, taehyung drawing on his shirt as they kept silent, the silence wasn’t awkward it was nice, sweet to be exact, almost comfortable if only curiosity was in detention, the thoughts of being official running in both heads, the thought of asking sending waves of fear down their backs keeping their hearts rushing and heads hurting, “I never said it back,” taehyung whispers realising he never said his part, “It’s ok,” jungkooks words causing taehyung the stiffen, he never agreed with that, if one person says three rare words then why wouldn’t the person it’s aimed at not say them back if it really was there.

“No it’s not, Jungkook -” “Then say it after,” tilting head jungkook smiles kissing taehyung’s nose, “Will you teach me how to love?” biting his bottom lip taehyung doesn’t answer, “Don’t use the exscuse of me caring about what people think, this is just about you and me Petal,” seeing his nod jungkook pulled him closer noses touching, “Verbally baby, don’t just nod,” He says almost teasing taehyung with their closeness, “Yes, I will,”

▪︎ Annnd there! i’m happy (For now) how this went/worked out

▪︎ I’m truely sorry for not updating i just redid the whole story again teehee, anyway hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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