x : Trust

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Trust: (1) Another word of reliability or dependence in a person


Taehyung was sitting through the lecture jisoo was giving him as she applied foundation just above the turtle neck he was wearing, taehyung personally ignoring her continued to stare at the dahlia that was now planted on his dresser, “Are you listening to me taehyung?” his hum causing her to scoff, “I’m telling you to set boundaries dummy,” “Why?” he asks blankly as he watched his cousin puff smoke from her ears, “Because I know jungkook, he’s a fuckboy who just wants to get in everyone’s pants,” 

Chuckling at the description taehyung new if he wanted to he could fight back, his door opening with two other figures standing there, “Good morning seokjinnie!” he says standing up and hugging the male who planted a kiss in his hair, “You didn’t have time to do your makeup at home?” the older twin asks causing jisoo to huff, “My makeup is done, taehyung was the one that needed it,” she says getting the two to look at him, turning into a tomato when jisoo told them about the marks located under the slightly lighter toned foundation and shirt.

Waiting in the piano room, taehyung started to fiddle with the keys playing the start of 10,000 Hours left hand that jungkook taught him, slightly confused why worry was rushing over him, maybe it’s the fact that jungkook got called down when he was teaching the chords of the song, the sound of the door opening brought his attintion, “Guess the fag can play,” taehyung bit his tounge at the sudded presence of the walking barbie doll herself, the other people behind her the drones.

“let’s show him what it feels like when you take something that not yours,” huffing a laugh taehyung shakes his head, “I didn’t take anything from you, maybe it’s just the fact that jungkook isn’t interested in you?” her scoff almost was music to his ears, through his anxiety taehyung loves breaking down a person with just words and smart facts, “Watch what you say, because you and i both know that it’s my word against yours,” “Yup definitely what the principal showed when you first got me sent down,” her redding face told taehyung that she was getting pissed, and a pissed queen bee doesn’t just leave without a fight.

“let me break it to you lisa, you’re a hoe. And no one wants a hoe for a girlfriend, who knows what desises you’re carrying,” The slap across the face proved his theory, "well let me break it to you," she says with a smirk which left a chill, "I know what happened between you and daddy," turning his head as attempt to not remember his past, "He wasn't wrong, you and your twin brother are gross," "How do you know what our father said or did when my brother and I don’t speak a word about our family,"

Her cheeky smile said she didn't, but she now knew that family is a sensitive topic, "I'll tell the whole school if you don’t leave my jungkook alone," she says giggling, "tell the whole school what?" Everyone looked to the side lisa running and hugging the figure in the doorway, "kookie! I was looking all over for-" "can it Lisa,” she lets him go looking back at taehyung, “Did he brainwash you? Tell you false things about me and other girls so he could have you?” notting his eyebrows together he turns her to the door, “Leave, now please,” her slight protest stopping as one of the people got her to leave.

“I’m sorry-” “are you ok?” Looking back at the boy jungkook nods his head, “No you’re not, you sound hurt what happened,” he shook his head sitting next to taehyung and forcing a smile, “No I’m ok, let's finish the song yea?” taehyung shook his head pointing at his cheek, “Its puffy and red, what happened?” “My dad is just mad,” he says getting ready to play again, taehyung stopping him, “Mad enough to hit you? Kookie please tell me what actually happened,” knowing he wasn’t going to win this battle he nods.

▪︎ Woo so yea slight trigger warning coming up if you no likey please wait till I eventually post the next series of chapters or just read till you absolutely cannot (I'll put a warning before hand too)

▪︎ This was a messy drama filler so don't mind the incohesiveness, anyway hoped you enjoyed, love yous!

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