v : Drama

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Drama: (1) Usually seen as a conflict between two people drawing in bystanders, normally seen as the burning end of a toxic or unstable friendship; (2) A show that makes the audience feel and relate to themself if its good, usually seen as the main character and side characters dramatically falling for each other in random ubscer ways, then breaking up then getting back together in the most ridiculous of ways


Things like this are noted as fiction or fake, this moment in time felt fake but it was still happening, so was it fake or was it just coincidence, the door opening in the middle of the song halting everything, like a picture, the locked gaze of the two wasn't disturbed or as awkward as seen on television.

The only thing expected to break the connection was the bell, breaking their gaze taehyung stares at one of the keys on the piano as he mouth a swear,  unaware that class had ended now both boys could get in trouble if caught in the halls, one would act like he didn't care as the other would repeat a different version of the class earlier, "What were you playing?" He hears looking back over taehyung bites his bottom lip not answering, "you can play it if you want,"

Sighing Taehyung started to play the newly learnt keys messing up a couple of times before he stoped out of slight embarrassment and pressure, "I-it's a Sam Smith song," he says lowering his hands off the piano which in reality he didn't really know the basics in playing, "it wasn't bad, you just need more confidence," smiling at the criticism Taehyung bows his head slightly and puts his hands back on the instrument, an inaudible gasp leaving his mouth when Jungkook placed his hands on top his, "loosen up, I'm going to guide you," he nods causing Jungkook to laugh, "you're still very tense, here scoot over,” shaking his head taehyung looks back at him, “This seat isn’t so post to sit more than one person,”

sighing jungkook pulls the piano chair back, “Then stand up,” smiling as taehyung listens, jungkook takes his spot pulling taehyung to his lap and back to the piano, “You sure this chair is a one person capacity?” he nods but doesn’t fight to stand back up, “now put your hands back to where you started,” doing as told, taehyung sighs attempting to loosen up before jungkook told him something else, “Ready?” “yes,”

Struggling to keep up with jungkook's fast pace, Taehyung removes his hands from Jungkook's, "I-I don't really know how to play the piano," he said uncomfortable about the situation as a whole, "that's ok, I can teach you," looking over his shoulder Taehyung shook his head "Its fine I have plenty of time," jumping slightly as Jungkook gently wrapped his hands around his waist, "I mean, for someone who doesn't know how to play you can definitely play," Jungkook says looking up and down Taehyung's face biting his lip, taehyung knew that he was flushing harder than what he was earlier, he was more than shocked when Jungkook kissed him.

"What are you doing?" "The casual stupid stuff I do," Jungkook chuckles, "so?" Looking away Taehyung sighed nodding his head "great, also we're partners for the star project," he says pushing them back from the instrument, and moving Taehyung to the other side of the seat so he could stand up, before he left he took Taehyung's face again and placed his lips on top his, slightly licking them after "pomegranate suits you petal," he says then leaving officially.

▪︎ Ah, I hope you guys like long chapter definitions, i just felt like it suited it

▪︎ Sorry if anything is off or confusing I honestly don't mean to, anyway I hope you all enjoyed, Love yous!

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