xii : Pain

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Pain: (1) What usually is felt when sick or hurt, i.e: A broken heart, cramps, twisted ankle, ect



Family, the start or basic creation of life, typically made up of or best seen with one a father, mother, and two to three kids, normally two boys and a girl, but the definition of family gets thin if you count the number of affairs or accidental pregnacy’s out in the world, even the miscarriages, they all fit into a category of life and death yes but they also fit into family, no?

Even all the torin affairs that happen within the family itself, weather its abuse, molestation, or disability, they all fit into the family category too, so what really defines family at a true, this family was technically still counted as a family consisted of a working mother, a stay home father, and two sons, twins to be exact, so what made it a technical, beside the obvious switch with the common roles of mother and father but it was the relationships between each member.

Mother, leaves for business trips every month for different amounts of time, Father, stays home and takes care of kids, Twin one, also known as namjoon, the oldest by five minutes, Twin two, also known as taehyung, should be dead but isn’t by miracle, so what's so off? Like it was said before, relationships were the problem. When Mrs. Kim would leave Mr. Kim would treat himself, hooking up with other women, when Mrs. Kim would leave the twins would act like they didn’t exist, take care of themselves, but when she’s home none of that existed no women on the side no neglect.

Sure it’s one relationship that’s through everything off, but it was one particular relationship that would really jerk the gears, it was the relationship between Father and Twin two, remember everything is still considered in the family category so this relationship is still counted as it fits within the torin affairs in the family itself. The relationship brought pain, it brought depression, it birthed what you can consider a monster, it all started when twins were eight and twin one was with friends as mother left, it was the start of deflowering, as the touches would change every time father got tired of doing the same things.

Twin two told Twin one but he didn’t believe him, “He does it when you and mom aren’t here,” “Just shut up, Dad wouldn’t do such a thing to you,”. They were eleven, twin two did consider telling his older cousin but figured it ended in the same fate so he didn’t, the type of affair lasted until it was caught, both twins were then thirteen.

“Taehyung, come’er, won’t you sit with daddy?” walking over to the couch he sits next to the man, wanting to hit his hand away when he played with his hair, then moved to his cheek, then his thigh covered by the oversized shirt he was wearing, “Why are you so far, come sit on my lap,” he continued to sit there shaking his head slightly, “I said sit on my lap,” he says in a lower demmener, that always would scare him so he listened and sat between his legs, jumping when his arms wrapped around his waist pulling him back to chest.

“are you ready?” he shook his head again, arching his back when he felt something touch him, pushing him back down taehyung whined, “I’ll take that as a yes,” he says messing with his underwear, “Hold down your shirt,” listening he holds down his shirt, silently crying when he felt something slide between his butt cheeks, he knew what it was it wasn’t anything new.

being lifted up he felt the extra shaft between his thighs, as he started to move, “I'm not going to stop til you make noise,” glancing back he cocks his head, an surprised Ah~ left his mouth when his hand grabbed him, “That noise,” forcing himself to make the noise the twisting feeling came to his stomach as he bit his tongue stopping any extra noises to leave, getting tossed almost off the couch he grabs taehyung’s hair putting himself in his mouth, “I swear to god you’re getting on my nerves,” as he forces himself all the way in, his cries more verbal than what they were, “Shut up or I’ll give you something to actually cry about slut,”

Forcing himself off, taehyung attempted to run up the stairs and into either the guest bedroom with his cousin Jisoo or with his brother namjoon, only to get lifted and tossed on the man's shoulder, crying louder, crying out both jisoo and namjoon’s name, unable to be certain they heard him as the door that did sleep his mother and father was now closed, as he was straddled onto the bed, his fights almost like little duds, restrained with rope at his wrists, “Just shut up!” he yells causing taehyung’s cries to quiver.

he pulled his shirt over his head, spreading his legs as his underwear had fallen off, “It’s sick,” he spits as he preped his one of his fingers, “Boy’s shouldn’t look like this,” he says covering his scream, “No boy should be able to seduce another male,” tightening his grip on his mouth as he adds two more didgits, “This whole time i was trying to take it away but soft shit just don’t work does it,” removing his hand he get’s ontop the boy, “If you scream ill make sure you don’t wake up the next day,” his coughy cry showed his pain, his fear his scream didn’t help conseal anything, if anything he hoped someone would hear, “You’re such a dissapointment, an ugly little fuck,” he said “I’ll make sure no one can love such a creature as you, no woman no man, because you don’t deserve it,” “S-Stop-” he slapped him “Did i say speak? No, which means I’m not doing enough huh?” he just continued to cry.

“You still love yourself no?” he didn’t do anything scared he would get hit again, only to get slapped again, “Answer me!” he nods screaming more as he felt like his body was going to be ripped in half, “Well you shouldn’t, you don’t deserve self love either, you deserve to just curl up and-” “OFF THE KID NOW!”

Father was forced to the floor, hands cuffed behind his back as the officer told him the normal speal, one female officer pulling down twin two’s shirt and undoing his binds, both cousin and twin one rushing in and hugging him like he was going to die, as they stared down the man, his smirk showing that he did break something almost unreplaceable in twin two, that was present as his words tainted an innocent mind that's now spiraled into darkness, almost a hollow shell, a husk, but that doesn’t mean family didn’t exist, sadly they’re still no matter the abuse, pain, or affairs they will forever be family.

so tell me what really is the true definition of family, is it the creation of life till death do us part or is it just a cycle that has no clear end, no clear line to define ture and surface, because no matter the situation Twin one and Two are still biologically Father and Mothers children, no matter what happens between them, even in death they’re still family, so what really is the definition of family and family-like.? 

▪︎ No comment I feel is appropriate for this chapter

▪︎ Hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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